Petr Konovalov
09.12.2020 Petr Konovalov

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI is one of the largest in scale infrastructure projects in our history, which was proposed by the PRC as far back as 2013. Its main aim is to link via roads, railways, deep water ports, wharfs and industrial zones all 5 continents and approximately 130 of the world’s nations, which, on becoming a part...

19.11.2020 Petr Konovalov

China and Vietnam are two countries with a common border of more than 1.2 thousand km and a very ancient history of relationship. Of course, there have been very difficult moments in the history: the gigantic Chinese empire, accustomed to considering neighboring states as its sphere of influence, and small Vietnam did not always find a common ground...

11.11.2020 Petr Konovalov

For several years now, there has been an intense phase of political and economic struggle between the United States and China. PRC claims to be the new major superpower and seeks to push America out of its traditional areas of influence, even in the most literal sense, such as through lucrative trade, massive credits and investments, drawing...

08.10.2020 Petr Konovalov

Despite the fact that agriculture has been developed for many thousands of years, humanity is still forced to get some of the food it consumes from the wild. For example, a significant portion of people’s diet worldwide is comprised of fish from oceans and rivers. The chief consumer of fish...

23.09.2020 Petr Konovalov

During the modern stage in the geopolitical rivalry among world powers to gain influence in the Asia-Pacific, where it shows up most vividly is in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean: Australia, China, the United States, and Japan are all trying hard to become chummy with the countries in Oceania, but each of those is pursuing…