Petr Konovalov
22.06.2022 Petr Konovalov

Today, in Oceania, the most extensive region in the world, located in the Pacific Ocean, there is an ongoing geopolitical confrontation between the People's Republic of China on the one hand and the United States, Australia and New Zealand on the other. The two conflicting parties are vying for influence in the 12 island states of Oceania. Every year, China...

20.06.2022 Petr Konovalov

In 1952, Elizabeth II became Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as the head of the Commonwealth of Nations, the 54 members of which include Australia. On June 2, 2022, large-scale celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the coronation of Elizabeth II were held in the UK. And Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese paid his...

26.05.2022 Petr Konovalov

Aircraft manufacturing is one of the strategically important areas of modern industry, providing transport security and generating large revenues. However, aircraft construction requires a high level of scientific and technological development and a huge financial investment. Therefore, not all countries are able to fully supply themselves with...

20.05.2022 Petr Konovalov

As is well-known, the total length of the state border of the People's Republic of China (PRC) on land is 22,457 km. Of this length, 4,360 km is the border with Mongolia, 4,179 km is the border with Russia and 2,659 km is the border with India, making the three countries leaders in terms of the length of their land border with China...

16.05.2022 Petr Konovalov

Various projects to do away with coal and switch to other fuels that emit less combustion gases have long been discussed in developed countries. Some experts have even begun to predict the imminent demise of the entire global coal industry. One of the reasons for these forecasts has been statements by China, the world...

12.05.2022 Petr Konovalov

On April 22, 2022, the Japanese Foreign Ministry called the Southern Kuril Islands, ceded to Russia as a result of World War II, “illegally occupied” for the first time since 2003. This wording, which has not been used for 19 years, has put the final nail in the coffin of the current phase of Russian-Japanese peace negotiations, leaving them without result. At first glance...

08.05.2022 Petr Konovalov

For many centuries, the Cossacks have been one of the symbols of Russia and a reliable pillar of the Tsar’s power. During the Russian Civil War (1917-1923), most of the Cossacks supported the White Movement, whose defeat brought the old ways to an end. Supporters of the previous government were forced to either change their political...

22.04.2022 Petr Konovalov

Myanmar is a relatively small country on the Indochina peninsula. Its close neighbors are India, China and the other countries on the peninsula, Its geographical position means that it serves as a buffer zone between the two competing Asian giants, yet its role is not limited to that. In terms of land access, India is largely cut off from the rest of the Eurasian landmass by immediate...

08.04.2022 Petr Konovalov

Despite all the turmoil of early 2022, China and Kazakhstan continue to develop their energy cooperation with confidence. On September 29, 2021, at the international scientific conference “Energy Silk Road in Central Asia: results and prospects of oil and gas cooperation”, the Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aset Magauov, announced...

03.04.2022 Petr Konovalov

Despite the fact that China and Japan are neighbors with thousands of years of cooperation, their relations in the modern history have actually begun only after World War II: the military operations in the East Asia were so hard, and the Japanese committed such atrocities against the Chinese people that relations between the two countries had to be built almost from scratch...

10.03.2022 Petr Konovalov

On February 7, 2022, US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel, in a video message posted on Twitter, expressed support for Japan on the issue of ownership of the Southern Kuril Islands, stating that “the United States supports Japan on the issue of the Northern Territories and has recognized Japanese sovereignty...

08.03.2022 Petr Konovalov

China has been actively pushing the US out of its place as “world hegemon” for a number of years now. Through soft power - lucrative trade agreements, economic aid, generous loans and investments - the PRC gains partners and allies across the world. The scale of China’s “offensive” is such that the PRC is cooperating not only with each state bilaterally...