Konstantin Penzev
06.04.2014 Konstantin Penzev

It should be noted that the recent statements coming from representatives of the U.S. government are characterized by some confusion and extraordinary simple thinking. That is, such statements do not need analyzing because they do not carry any semantic weight. For example, Obama claims that...

16.03.2014 Konstantin Penzev

Once, the Russian communist leader Vladimir Lenin said: “Every revolution is only worth something if it can defend itself.” This statement is true. The Soviet state founder’s words can be paraphrased as: any person, nation or state is only worth...

11.03.2014 Konstantin Penzev

It is no need to explain to a Russian what the ideological terror is. There was a time when any publicly expressed doubt as for the validity of the Communist dogma could cause problems in one’s career at best, or result in a criminal prosecution at worst. That is true...

22.02.2014 Konstantin Penzev

The U.S. administration is actively cooperating with international terrorism. You may doubt this fact as much as you like, but the body of evidence in favor of this statement is enormous. Usually the ruling class of the United States declares its preferences to form its own...

19.02.2014 Konstantin Penzev

What do the terrorists want to achieve by means of violence and lawlessness? According to the online encyclopaedia Circumnavigation (Krugosvet, the terrorists are striving to achieve desired developments, i.e., revolutions...

17.02.2014 Konstantin Penzev

The question of “Who is the main fighter against international terrorism?” may seem naive to a person who believes that President Obama tells the truth in his speeches. Judging by the declarations, regularly thrown out by the Washington Administration from...

31.01.2014 Konstantin Penzev

Long-standing conflicts in the Asia-Pacific Region, increased economic competition and an open course of a number of the Asia-Pacific Countries to strengthen their national armed forces are not lessening regional tensions. Recently, Tokyo sent an official protest to China... 

16.01.2014 Konstantin Penzev

China has not raised any claims in the debate about global leadership yet, and it did not want to deprive America of its exclusivity. On the contrary, Beijing has strongly demonstrated its peacefulness and aversion to any form of hegemony during all these years. At first...

09.01.2014 Konstantin Penzev

In his annual message to the Federal Assembly for the year 2014 (12.12.2013, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin described the rise of Siberia and the Far East as the national priority for the whole 21st century. This news has not received much coverage in the foreign media...

13.12.2013 Konstantin Penzev

Only half a century ago, a war broke out which became the bloodiest in human history. In 1941, Nazi Germany invaded Ukraine, Belorussia and some other republics of the USSR. Not all citizens of the occupied Soviet territories considered Hitler's occupation an evil. Some of them decided that...

09.12.2013 Konstantin Penzev

Working for the CIA is a difficult and dangerous business. One of the tasks the paladins of the Empire of Good are facing consists in regular searching, catching, shooting and hanging their former colleagues who entered the path of treason  – just as all other secret services do to their renegades...

28.11.2013 Konstantin Penzev

If the "Golden Triangle" had turned out to be the only area in the world suitable for cultivating the opium poppy, then the Vietnam War would have probably taken a totally different turn. But this time the world managed again to avoid another small nuclear bombing. To the joy of all...