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Mohamed Lamine KABA

Terrorist attacks in Russia: guilty and complicit attitudes of the collective West

While terrorist attacks perpetrated in Western space have always been the subject of massive condemnation throughout the world, those perpetrated in non-Western territories are celebrated (the perpetrators welcomed as heroes) in the West, where they pass under silence absolute Western media. The Crocus City Hall attacks on March 22, 2024 in the suburbs of Moscow in Russia are a perfect illustration of this. Perpetrated two weeks after the alert was given by the American Embassy in Moscow…

Mohamed Lamine KABA

Western democracy and the spread of transnational jihadism

Since the definition of the analytical framework of the term “jihadism” and its inscription in the annals of the history of international relations, the real reasons for the emergence of the acts to which it refers have not been elucidated until nowadays. While the United States of Zbigniew Brzeziński (architect of American strategy in Afghanistan and former national security advisor in 1998), Henry Kissinger (designer of “The Order of the World in 2016”), Samuel P. Huntington (designer of “The Clash of Civilizations”)» in 1993) and…

Mohamed Lamine KABA

East/West divides and the birth of Multipolarism

The world we live in today is a millennia-old galaxy. It bears within it the insignia of the multiple and diverse mutations which make up the history of humanity and international relations, a history characterized by the “class struggle”, to use the thesis of Karl Marx. Thus, just as “no one has received from nature the right to command others” said Diderot, the domination of the West over the rest of the world is not an irrevocable divine fact…

Mohamed Lamine KABA