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Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Mali's military successes and the failure of Western calls to suspend co-operation with Russia

The very recent liberation of the key Malian town of Kidal – and in a much shorter time than some experts had anticipated – came as a real shock to all neo-colonial forces in the West and opponents of the African-Russian alliance. Two key areas were recently analysed – the fact that the West is very reluctant to believe in the military successes of African countries (without the participation of Western forces), although it still has to, and that the current French and Western information attacks against Mali and a number…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Western Information Attacks on Mali As a Sign of Their Defeat

While the national army of Mali continues its offensive against terrorist and armed groups in territories that the central authorities have ceased to control for many years now, thereby tackling the issue of the country’s security and territorial integrity, Western propaganda tools are back to their old ways. Even though neither the African countries themselves nor other world regions no longer trust the methods used by the latter. All this is quite as expected. After the blow dealt to France and other Western regimes, former colonial powers, both in Mali and in other…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The non-Western world’s revolt against the excessive cynicism of the West

The vast majority of people on the planet today publicly condemn individuals who still call themselves “defenders of human rights” and other “freedoms” for actually being the primary culprits when it comes to defending the values they so loudly proclaim to adhere to. Particularly with regards to offenses committed against non-Western populations or those perceived by the West as not belonging to the “right” side. In fact, this did not take much to be exposed. From the perspective of the Western order and those who blindly follow it, the blood of the “wrong” people is worthless…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov