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Maxim Egorov

The Bleeding Wounds of Yemen

On December 1 acting President of Yemen Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi made a number of new appointments in his cabinet. Brigadier General Hussein Arab was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister. Foreign Minister Riad Yassin was replaced with the more...

Maxim Egorov

Russia's National Interests in the Middle East

The death of Yevgeny Primakov, a remarkable Russian statesman of the second half of the twentieth century, has marked the end of an era in Russian Oriental studies. Therefore, a question on how Russia should move forward within the so-called...

Maxim Egorov

Middle East: Conceptual Dead-end of the US Strategy

In recent decades, the US Middle East policy, according to Henry Kissinger, has been based on three pillars: ensuring the security of Israel as a major ally of Washington in the Middle East, preventing the emergence in the Middle East geopolitical space...

Maxim Egorov