Maxim Egorov
12.09.2016 Maxim Egorov

Giving an interview to the Russian News Agency Sputnik on September 5, Supreme Commander-in-chief of Libyan armed forces General Khalifa Haftar criticized the anti-ISIS airstrikes launched by the US air forces in the area of...

07.06.2016 Maxim Egorov

Speaking on June 1 in Elkhart, Indiana, US President Barack Obama repeated his earlier admission that he still considered the military intervention in Libya to be one of his greatest errors in foreign affairs. This time however, he...

22.02.2016 Maxim Egorov

The UN Security Council on February 20 found itself unable to reach an agreement on a Russian resolution draft that urges all parties to ensure the preservation of Syria’s territorial integrity. It would seem very...

07.02.2016 Maxim Egorov

Looking at numerous and often contradicting statements that world leaders make about the ongoing conflict in Syria and the fight against ISIL sometimes even an experienced analyst would struggle to discern what is really happening in the Middle East...

07.12.2015 Maxim Egorov

On December 1 acting President of Yemen Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi made a number of new appointments in his cabinet. Brigadier General Hussein Arab was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister. Foreign Minister Riad Yassin was replaced with the more...

28.06.2015 Maxim Egorov

The death of Yevgeny Primakov, a remarkable Russian statesman of the second half of the twentieth century, has marked the end of an era in Russian Oriental studies. Therefore, a question on how Russia should move forward within the so-called...

25.06.2015 Maxim Egorov

In recent decades, the US Middle East policy, according to Henry Kissinger, has been based on three pillars: ensuring the security of Israel as a major ally of Washington in the Middle East, preventing the emergence in the Middle East geopolitical space...

24.05.2015 Maxim Egorov

A terrorist attack in the village of El-Kadih near the Shia enclave of Qatif in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, when a suicide bomber detonated himself in a local mosque during the Friday prayers resulted in 20 people killed and more than 70 injured, and has marked...

24.03.2015 Maxim Egorov

The nearing deadline to conclude negotiations between Iran and the US on Iran's nuclear at the end of March this year has exposed the fact that the Middle East has come to a point beyond which the changes growing over the last ten to fifteen years will transform it beyond recognition...

18.11.2014 Maxim Egorov

Lebanon is a relatively small, but extremely specific country, therefore universal cri- teria cannot be commonly applied to it. For this reason the Arab Spring that has swept across the Middle East and virtually destroyed four states: Syria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen, failed in Lebanon...

07.11.2014 Maxim Egorov

On the face of it, the apparently torpid and never-ending campaign by the West and their regional allies against the Islamic State has started to take on a new meaning. This happened after reinforcements of the Kurdish Peshmerga fighters crossed into...

15.10.2014 Maxim Egorov

The roar of fighter jets taking off and the howl of bombs falling on Iraq and Syria cannot hide the fact that, despite the truly universal propaganda, the United States and the coalition it leads, now composed of nearly 50 countries, were able to achieve little, if anything...