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Jim Dean

Poroshenko Tries to Force Trump’s Hand in Ukraine

Ukraine crashed in on Mr. Trump’s administration this week, in what appears to be a spoiling attack on any US-Russia rapprochement. With the economy going to hell, and the West getting tired of no progress with Ukraine reforms...

Jim Dean

Trump Trials and Tribulations

Donald Trump is triumphant and enjoying the spoils of our latest American political war, the ability to sign executive orders where each of the last several presidents has done more of than his predecessors. I will bet that Trump breaks Obama’s record if he gets eight years in office...

Jim Dean

Yellow Journalism Morphs into Yellow Government

“There is beauty in truth, even if it's painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak… Jose N. Harris. The Theater of the Absurd continued this past week...

Jim Dean