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Jim Dean

Hariri Backtracks, Prince Salman Goes Quiet, and Lebanon Takes a Breath

"When you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make bloody revolution inevitable." ~ John F. Kennedy. The geo-political theater around the three-ring circus started by the Saudis yanking Prime Minister Saad Hariri out of Lebanon to get a Royal...

Jim Dean

Saudi Arabia and Israel Replace Syria with Lebanon as Their Next Victim

Support by US rulers is rather in the nature of the support that the rope gives to a hanged man ~ Nikita Khrushchev. Just when you think nothing in Saudi Arabia could get more bizarre, we got the story...

Jim Dean

The SAA Deir-Ezzor Euphrates River Battle: a Tactical Review

Most of us who have watched the SAA crawl back from the edge of defeat, after the Russians joined the Hezbollah and Iranian forces already there, have cheered their westward advance to recapture the huge central area of the country...

Jim Dean