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Jim Dean

Trump Pulls Out of Syria – Why the Surprise Move Now?

Washington NeoCons are in a rage over the Trump news of his reported pull out of all American troops from Syria. This is not literally true of course, but I will get to that in a minute. First we must go over what was said leading up to the surprise move to get some clues as to why...

Jim Dean

Mueller and FBI versus Trump – Who Will Win?

It is time for the reclusive Mr. Mueller to begin revealing where the focus of his investigation is going. This week, sentencing hearings begin for those who have cooperated with the government in the hopes of a lighter sentence. The FBI has to provide sentencing recommendations...

Jim Dean

Poroshenko’s Kerch Gamble Goes Down in Flames

The hysterics over the Kerch incident have simmered down a bit, and we now have enough material and main actor statements to take a closer look at what happened. I won’t review the details of Kiev’s semi-Kamikaze attack attempt through the Kerch Straits, as that has been well covered, the claims anyway. What we can clearly see now is that if Poroshenko...

Jim Dean