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Jim Dean

The United States of Accusations versus Iran

Trump has taken over the Persian Gulf, and by that I don’t mean militarily, but in Trump’s attack method of choice, dominating the media. His 2019 hit list gets longer and longer; his Mexican border wall, then Venezuela, where that issue was broadened to include Cuba and Nicaragua as “threats” to the US, a laughable concept...

Jim Dean

Truth or Consequences in the Russian Arctic

The story of the Russian Arctic development has taken a back seat to the major geopolitical stories that grab the news headlines and are more suitable to one-sentence Twitter discussions. The Artic is not. It is a cold mystery wrapped in a freezing enigma. Yes I know that is an old...

Jim Dean

Agent Orange Still Lives on in Tombstones and Broken Bodies

The ghost of the Vietnam War continues to haunt those Americans still alive who fought in it. Gordon Duff fears he may be the last of his two squads still alive, a lonely honor, or dishonor depending on how one looks at it. This is not a cheap shot at the Vets. They had no say...

Jim Dean