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Jim Dean

We are all East Ukrainians now

"In politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword. Heresies in either can rarely be cured by persecution." (Alexander Hamilton, 1788 Well, it is over. The people of East Ukraine have spoken and they have...

Jim Dean

Palestinian Peace Talks – How to Fail without Really Trying

“The American peace initiative has ground to a halt. The full truth about it can and must now be told. It was doomed to failure before it even started. There was not the slightest chance of its bearing fruit.” - Uri Avnery,

Jim Dean

US War Hype against Russia enters the Twilight Zone

Tensions mount as NATO puffs its chest with minor military deployments as part of their threat play acting. Estonia was on stage today receiving NATO planes and pretending to feel threatened and wanting a permanent NATO deployment...

Jim Dean