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Janet Phelan

The Dance of Deception: The US Holocaust Museum Сaught Сovering Up Genocide

Question: What do Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel, neo-con darling and former Department of Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff and Mormon US Senator Orrin Hatch have in common?

Janet Phelan

US Biodefense: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

In The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The  Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, author Graeme MacQueen ties together a considerable breadth of evidence related to both the attacks of September 11, 2001 and to the subsequent anthrax letters, weaving together a tapestry which is compelling...

Janet Phelan

The United States and Israel: A Dance of Deception. Part 1

2432442Recently published reports of the failure of Israel’s much touted Iron Dome missile defense system highlight the peculiarly self-destructive relationship between Israel and the United States. The reports questioning the success rate of the Iron Dome were issued…

Janet Phelan