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Janet Phelan

USA: Is Adult Protective Services Protecting Abusers?

When the Elder Justice Initiative was recently funded by Congress for $4 million for the fiscal year 2015--at a mere fraction of the $25 million requested by President Obama—consumer advocates were ecstatic.  The funds are earmarked for Adult Protective Services (APS, which...

Janet Phelan

California Goes Dark

“We had better share our bewilderments. By hiding them from each other we should not hide them from ourselves.” C.S. Lewis. The darkness now enveloping the state of California is not a result of a power failure. Rather, it is the result of too much power, concentrated in the...

Janet Phelan

The Covert Eugenics Agenda: Melodie Scott and Dr. Wouter Basson

It is a generally accepted axiom that one of the primary purposes of government is to protect its citizenry. The protection may manifest in one of two ways - as security against foreign foes or as a system to apprehend and punish...

Janet Phelan