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Ivan Kopytsev

Jamu is a unique phenomenon in the political culture of West Africa

There is now an unequivocal scientific consensus that political, economic, social and cultural issues in Sub-Saharan Africa must be viewed through the prism of ethnicity. This hypothesis is supported by the multi-ethnicity characteristic of most of the states in the region and the rich empirical base of inter-ethnic conflicts and contradictions based on the study of East, Tropical and Southern Africa. Nevertheless, with regard to the territory of the former Western Sudan and, according to some data, some other areas of the African continent, it is appropriate to speak of a significant levelling…

Ivan Kopytsev

Sources of conflictogenicity: Is a new inter-State armed conflict possible in the Horn of Africa?

For several decades, the number of interstate conflicts in the world has been declining: most armed confrontations have been asymmetrical, usually characterised by the struggle between states and non-state actors. At the same time, in recent years, against the backdrop of the gradual breakdown of the unipolar world order that has existed since the early 1990s, long-standing contradictions between states have increasingly reasserted themselves, and new stumbling blocks in the relations of various countries continue to emerge amid the numerous transformations…

Ivan Kopytsev

Social Networks as a Channel of Ethnic Mobilization: the Case of Ethiopia

At the end of October 2023, Amnesty International* published a report implicating Meta**, the company that owns, inter alia, Facebook** and Instagram**, in widespread human rights violations during the 2020-2022 conflict in the Tigray region. Thus, according to the human rights organization, Meta* failed to take effective measures to curb the spread of content advocating ethnic hatred and violence. Although the signing of agreements in Pretoria effectively ended the conflict-active…

Ivan Kopytsev