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Ivan Kopytsev

“Swan, Pike, and Crawfish”: Is a Union Possible Between the TPLF, OLA and Fano? Part 2. Tigray People's Liberation Front

Unlike the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) and the Fano group, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) fell into the anti-government camp not as a force challenging year of lawlessness and discrimination by the federal government. On the contrary, the TPLF, which was created in the 1970s to fight the socialist Derg regime, managed over the years to transform from a tiny ethnic group into a powerful party that indirectly controlled the political system of Ethiopia for more than 20 years…

Ivan Kopytsev

“Swan, Pike, and Crawfish”: Is a Union Possible Between the TPLF, OLA and Fano? Part 1

Ethiopia’s current political landscape is largely defined by the results of the “Oromo Revolution” – a political process that preceded the fall of the longstanding (1991-2018) hegemony of the and was initially seen as a harbinger of a soon-to-be landmark transformation in the country’s political life. After almost six years, however, it has become clear that such rosy expectations have been shattered by the harsh reality: the coming to power of Abiy Ahmed – the first prime minister in Ethiopia’s history…

Ivan Kopytsev

Isaias Afwerki’s visit to Italy: the dawn of a new era in cooperation or a purely ceremonial visit?

At the end of January 2024, another representative of the Western world clearly demonstrated its interest in developing cooperation with the countries of the Global South: on Monday January 29 an Italy-Africa summit, organized by Italy, opened in Rome. Although this event is not comparable in scale to recent Russia-Africa or US-Africa summits, either in terms of both the number of participants or the importance of the depth of the issues involved, it would be a mistake to ignore it. Especially since, in addition to the leaders of countries that have traditionally maintained relations with Europe…

Ivan Kopytsev