Grete Mautner
30.05.2019 Grete Mautner

Last year, the trade war between the US and China reached an explosive phase, where even those players not participating directly in the economic confrontation, including organizations such as the EU, ASEAN and APEC, found themselves drawn into the conflict. As claimed by the latest review...

21.05.2019 Grete Mautner

Sometimes it's hard to believe that the sitting British politicians can be short-sighted enough to support Theresa May’s failing policies, while the UK media remain scared to openly discuss the ongoing Brexit disaster as well as the fact that under the current political leaders...

23.04.2019 Grete Mautner

Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States considered itself the sole global hegemon entitled to decide the fate of other international players. Acting on that premise, for the last couple decades or so the US has been toppling sovereign governments...

10.04.2019 Grete Mautner

The untamed desire of the Trump administration to impose all sorts of conditions and restrictions on the way that Europe operates is clearly leading to an abrupt increase in anti-American moods across various social layers...

03.04.2019 Grete Mautner

Springtime is finally here and that means that nature’s rejuvenation is bringing change to all aspects of life, including the political one. And this means that all sorts of lame ducks that have been dominating the political stage in a great many of countries will have to go, giving way...

24.03.2019 Grete Mautner

These days one can come across all sorts of articles trying to predict the direction US-Turkish relations take, as we witness a major shift on the geopolitical stage and both of these states play no small part in it. As it’s been noted by American analysts, unlike in previous eras, Washington and Ankara no longer share...

13.03.2019 Grete Mautner

As it’s been pointed out by a number of prominent statisticians, over the last hundred years Washington has interfered in the internal affairs of at least 50 countries for a total of 130 individual cases. As for the last three decades, there’s been more than 40 instances of such interference, including cases of elections meddling and fraud, coup d’etats...

08.03.2019 Grete Mautner

If only half a century ago Britain was among the leading players in the nuclear industry market that was exporting its technologies and building nuclear plants all across the world, it's safe to say that today it's nothing but a hollow shadow of its former glory. The number of operational nuclear power plants across the UK has been...

01.03.2019 Grete Mautner

Out of all of the former USSR-dominated regions, Central Asia remains the only one where the US hasn’t acquired sustainably aligned satellite countries. For this very reason, we can expect the US to start...

20.02.2019 Grete Mautner

It's hard to argue that the sitting US president is particularly good at attracting public attention to his persona, which he has proven once again last week, when he announced that he deserved to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on North Korea and Syria. But then he...

17.02.2019 Grete Mautner

It seems that the most haunting question in Britain today is: What future awaits its citizens after Brexit? This is hardly an example of lazy thoughts, as there's a rapid deterioration of the living conditions of the British population - a direct result of numerous miscalculations...

13.02.2019 Grete Mautner

These days controversy has become the earmark of modern geopolitics. Yet, there's things most anybody would agree with, regardless of his or her alignment. For instance, there's no arguing that when you're navigating troubled waters the last person you want to see at the helm...