Christof Lehmann
08.10.2014 Christof Lehmann

Victims of the most serious crimes recognized by mankind have no legal remedy to seek justice and compensation. International treaties, international law, supra-national tribunals and courts like the ICJ and the ICC are without consequence for the victim...

03.10.2014 Christof Lehmann

UK Prime Minister David Cameron's address at the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly's was more than the expected call to arms against Syria. It was a frontal assault against free intellectual inquiry and compared questions about the involvement...

22.09.2014 Christof Lehmann

In an interview with l'Humanité.fr, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas stressed that France had become the vanguard dog of NATO, criticizing the presidencies of Sarkozy and Hollande for selling out on French sovereignty...

10.09.2014 Christof Lehmann

July 17, 2014. A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 on flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur plunged out of the sky in eastern Ukraine. The crash resulted in the death of all 298 passengers and crew. Malaysian Premier Najib Razak lashed...

27.08.2014 Christof Lehmann

The wars in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq are 4th generation wars. These wars are not waged by governments but by rogue networks who in part enter symbiotic relationships and in part cannibalize on one another. Besides being a threat against...

24.08.2014 Christof Lehmann

NATO will hold its 2014 summit in Wales under Secretary-General Anders Fogh-Rasmussen in September. The summit will be held against the backdrop of a widening Middle East war and the war in Ukraine...

13.08.2014 Christof Lehmann

Human Rights Watch Executive Director Ken Roth and other senior Human Rights Watch officials were denied entry into Egypt at their arrival at Cairo International Airport on Monday August 11. The George Soros funded "human rights organizations"...

10.08.2014 Christof Lehmann

August 4-6, U.S. President Barak Obama hosted the Washington – Africa Leaders Summit at the White House. Obama expounded I do not see the countries and peoples of Africa as a world Apart. I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world – partners...

30.07.2014 Christof Lehmann

The war in Ukraine became predictable when the great Muslim Brotherhood Project in Syria failed during the summer of 2012. It became unavoidable in December 2012, when the European Union and Russia failed to agree on the EU's 3rd Energy Package. The geopolitical...