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Catherine Shakdam

Saudi Arabia’s Great Tumbling Down - The Boy Who Wanted to be King is No More

Where has Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gone? Since mainstream media broke news of the disappearance and alleged death of Jamal Khashoggi, MBS has gotten a little camera shy … and somewhat politically withdrawn. Whatever did happen to our buoyant reformer, who...

Catherine Shakdam

Yemen at War - Whose Legitimacy is the Right Legitimacy?

Earlier this September UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths reaffirmed what he sees as his foremost mandate: “to begin the difficult and uncertain journey away from war.” But how does one go about formulating a way out of war when at its heart lies the very real and intricate issue of legitimacy? If Yemen’s conflict is great many things: competing...

Catherine Shakdam

The Saudi Inquisition - Authorities Move to Outlaw Shia Islam

Back in 2017 a report by Human Rights Watch warned against Saudi Arabia’s propensity to play up sectarianism as a valid expression of its state policy. “Saudi clerics, including those holding official positions, have ‘vigorously employed’ modern tools...

Catherine Shakdam