Catherine Shakdam
21.01.2021 Catherine Shakdam

“A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad.” ― Albert Camus It is difficult to imagine a time when such words rang more true in their foretelling of Tyranny or more poignantly accurate in their description of the precipice we all in fact find ourselves staring at...

07.01.2021 Catherine Shakdam

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ― George Washington As of January 6, 2021 Twitter decided to suspend US President Donald Trump’s account, for all intents and purposes putting a sock into the man’s mouth for IT didn’t feel like entertaining his political rants. And though many...

09.11.2020 Catherine Shakdam

With most news agencies putting Joe Biden firmly in the lead to the White House, incumbent President Donald Trump made clear the ballot boxes would hold little sway over his decision to vacate, or NOT, the corridors of America’s power … mostly not. But then again we never expected ‘America’s favourite president’ to conform...

14.10.2020 Catherine Shakdam

With news over the weekend that the UK registered over 22,000 new cases of coronavirus in a single day it may be time to look the Empire in the face and state the obvious: Britain’s new attire is not exactly flattering...“ I don't want to blind them, I just want them to blink a little.” The Emperor’s New Clothes And blink we have...

02.10.2020 Catherine Shakdam

Where does one start when faced with the litany of crises, plagues and altogether sordid developments 2020 has, ever so brutally, unleashed onto our unsuspected heads? Where does one start indeed… Before such a flood, one’s only hope would be to retreat to the comfort of one’s ark … Noah as it were had a good mind building one; we...

01.04.2020 Catherine Shakdam

As Europe is coming to terms with the reality of a life interrupted courtesy of the covid-19 pandemic, governments after governments have had to call for their respective communities to comply with strict isolation rules not to overwhelm their already stretched out healthcare systems. Speaking at a daily public briefing this Friday...

14.02.2020 Catherine Shakdam

“Efforts have been made in recent weeks by members of Al Islah in Yemen (a political unbrella for various tribes and Islamic outfits, such as the Muslim Brotherhood to organize an alliance of convenience with the Houthis to weaken Saudi Arabia’s influence in the Arabian Peninsula,” sources in Sana’a posited in exclusive comments...

03.02.2020 Catherine Shakdam

News this Thursday of Ayatollah Sistani’s health issues very much put in focus the matter of his succession, and maybe more pertinently yet, Iraq’s ability to weather such a catastrophic loss to the integrity of its institutions. "His Eminence was subjected to a twisting in the left leg that led to a fracture of the thigh bone, and he will be...

13.01.2020 Catherine Shakdam

Keeping to a long standing tradition of hawkishness US President Donald Trump, whose campaign ran on the promises of peace and conflict resolution, ordered the deployment of an additional 4000 troops to Kuwait in view of escalating tensions with Iran in neighbouring Iraq. Just when we thought the region could not possibly become more volatile, the United States choose to light...

29.12.2019 Catherine Shakdam

Earlier this month, Human Rights Watch called on the United States government to extend and redesignate Temporary Protected Status (TPS for Yemen, which expires on March 3, 2020, so that those Yemenis who found themselves stranded in the US when the war broke out in late March 2015 would not...

11.12.2019 Catherine Shakdam

Yemen’s war has proven to be far more than just another failed attempt at enforcing a certain socio-political reality. As it were, the cost of keeping Yemen afloat, and by that I mean the funds which have been allocated to alleviate such plagues as famine, cholera, and overall misery is fast becoming an unsustainable burden on the international community...

04.12.2019 Catherine Shakdam

Hailed a liberator and a savior against ISIS after it dedicated its men, military expertise and efforts in neighbouring Iraq, Iran has now become the subject of Iraqis’ ire over its perceived political and ideological patronage, as well as the perceived arrogance with which Tehran has looked upon protesters, advocating violence to quell...