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Can Erimtan

Islamic Authoritarianism and Freedom of the Press in Turkey

The Justice and Development Party (or AKP has brought Turkey into the 21st century, and has managed to heighten significantly Turkey's status abroad. But its authoritarian tendencies on the domestic front appear to undermine the country's...

Can Erimtan

Turkey in Turmoil: Moving towards an Authoritarian Sultanate of Kitsch

In power since 3 November 2002, Turkey's Justice and Development Party (or AKP has come a long way. Led by the charismatic Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the somewhat lacklustre, albeit highly influential...

Can Erimtan

The Ankara Blast: A Casus Belli Posing as a Terror Attack

Terror attacks have now become a recurring reality in Turkey. The recent deadly blast in Ankara took place against a backdrop of heightened military activity, on the domestic front as well as across the border in Syria. The rationale behind...

Can Erimtan