Konstantin Asmolov
01.06.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
Nine ballistic missiles of various ranges, including the latest Musudan, were removed from the DPRK’s eastern coast. They had been deployed there in early April in response to a large-scale…
08.05.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
The second trend is related to the kind of work a community that might be called “Korean Protestant sects” is doing against North Korea. I say “might be called “…
15.04.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
The author is publishing a new series of articles to improve our understanding of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and how it may evolve. You can find the first…
11.04.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
The author is publishing a new series of articles to improve our understanding of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and how it may evolve. The flare-up between the Koreas…
10.04.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
North Korea’s suggestion about evacuating diplomatic missions has again inflamed passions and once more forced experts to pay attention to details and try to answer the question: “What should we…
07.04.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
With the situation on the Korean Peninsula growing worse, news about the plenary session of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea held on March 31 and the…
27.03.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
Things are heating up again on the Korean Peninsula. North Korea has put its long-range artillery and strategic rocket forces targeted at US military bases on alert: “From this moment,…
21.03.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
The author is continuing his series of articles to improve our understanding of the situation on the Korean Peninsula: • How North Korea and the West view each other and…
19.03.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
The author is continuing his series of articles to improve our understanding of the situation on the Korean Peninsula: • How North Korea and the West view each other and…
15.03.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
The author is beginning an important series of articles that give a better understanding of the situation on the Korean peninsula:  • How North Korea and the West view each…
10.03.2013 Konstantin Asmolov
A new round of sanctions has been imposed on North Korea, and an answer has been found to the question, “What more can they ban?” The sanctions affect North Korean…
13.12.2012 Konstantin Asmolov
So North Korea has launched its rocket, and it was neither a bluff nor an action it had previously offered to cancel in exchange for economic assistance or some other…