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Konstantin Asmolov

Are there Human Rights Violations in North Korea?

We have previously discussed the Report on Human Rights in North Korea. Yet, it has to be reexamined with the UN to hold a meeting in order to push an anti-Kim Jong-un agenda forward which may lead to the prosecution of  DPRK’s supreme leader in...

Konstantin Asmolov

Is there tension on the border between the two Koreas?

A string of incidents in October, 2014 between the the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK and the Republic of Korea (ROK is swelling up as "a new round of the Korean crisis" (almost at the scale of a second Cheonan, but in fact everything is much simpler, as well...

Konstantin Asmolov

Korean Peninsula: US policy tendencies

The impetus for writing this text was a response to an article by one of the "Internet patriots", who takes every opportunity to step forward with accusations, claiming that "the filthy Yankees are to be blamed for everything”. This time he touched upon the topic...
Konstantin Asmolov