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Konstantin Asmolov

Military Potential of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea—Fantasies and Reality

Another report on the military potential of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, issued by the U.S.-Korea Institute (USKI of the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS at Johns Hopkins University, Washington, which...

Konstantin Asmolov

Will a New Korean War be Fought Over Loudspeakers?

A new round of inter-Korean crisis has been largely portrayed in the international media in comic book fashion. It was reported that “Kim Jong Un issued an order to launch an attack,” and “Pyongyang presented Seoul with an ultimatum, demanding to...

Konstantin Asmolov

The New "Steps Towards Democracy" in South Korea

On July 15 2015, the police of the Republic of Korea in Seoul raided the office and residence of members of the civil movement, “Korean Alliance”, (in Korea – the association for independent reunification and the development of democracy, who advocate...

Konstantin Asmolov