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Konstantin Asmolov

Will North Korea Ever Develop into a Nuclear Power?

The 2016 Inter-Korean crisis sent ripples throughout the entire region. It also promoted a new wave of discussions of whether South Korea should be armed with nuclear weapons. This theme is not new; just recall some of Chon Mon Zhong's...

Konstantin Asmolov

On the Importance of Staying Cool in the Face of Provocations

On March 7, the Republic of Korea (ROK-United States joint military drills known as Key Resolve and Foal Eagle began. The goal of this year's exercises is to practice pinpoint strikes on the North Korean (DPRK leadership and...

Konstantin Asmolov

The Korean Peninsula: Another Pig War?

The phrase "a Pig War" used in the title of this article has been mentioned in a number of previously published articles. Today, in view of another episode of escalation of inter-Korean relations, this phenomenon will be...

Konstantin Asmolov