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Konstantin Asmolov

Proud South Korea and Its Independent Politics?

At first, the author considered writing an article about further demands from “South Korea’s progressive society” to fire the U.S. Ambassador to the ROK, but then he realized there was more to the criticism directed towards the American by looking at the issue from a broader perspective. If one focuses on Moon Jae-in’s speeches and public performances staged by pro...

Konstantin Asmolov

Failed Attempts to Impeach Trump and their Effects on Dialogue between DPRK and US

On 5 February 2020, the US Senate voted to acquit President Donald Trump on two articles of impeachment. After that, Trump’s approval ratings reached a new high of 49% for this last year of his presidency. What effect will this event have on the way talks between Pyongyang and Washington proceed in the future...

Konstantin Asmolov

US-DPRK Dialog in 2020: for Now, “the Door is Closed, but not Locked”

We have already conducted a preliminary analysis of what the situation on the Korean Peninsula will look like in 2020, and what is happening now goes to show that although the dialog is not being broken off, there is a hardening of attitudes, which we can see is inevitable. Let’s not forget that towards the end...

Konstantin Asmolov