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Konstantin Asmolov

Covert Chinese police stations in South Korea?

In relations between South Korea and China, something is emerging that can significantly worsen relations between Seoul and Beijing. We are talking about information disseminated by pro-American NGOs that China allegedly not only interferes in the internal affairs of neighboring countries, but also keeps “secret police stations” there. These police stations...

Konstantin Asmolov

Japan’s Defense Strategy: A View from the Korean Corner

On December 16, 2022, Japan’s Cabinet approved amendments to three key national security and defense documents. First, an increase in the military budget is envisaged.  The Japanese government has previously announced plans to increase defense spending to 2% of GDP by 2027 (it is currently 1% of GDP). If Japan does so, its defense...

Konstantin Asmolov

South Korea and its cyber front

Generally, when it comes to cybercrime, the author writes about North Korean hackers, but an overview of what the issue of hackers in the ROK in general looks like is also noteworthy. First, some general statistics on hacker attacks in the ROK.  Back in 2021, following the attempted hacking of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and Korea Aerospace Research Institute servers...

Konstantin Asmolov