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Andre Vltchek

Cyprus – Deadly UK Military Bases, Refugee Camps… and Tourists

Believe it or not, but not long ago, Cyprus used to be the only country in the European Union that was governed by a Communist Party. And it was not really too long ago – between 2008 and 2013. Also, relatively recently, unification of the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish...

Andre Vltchek

What Happens If the French Yellow Vests Win?

What if protesters in Paris win, and the French government gives in to all their demands? What if taxes are reduced, wages increased, President Macron steps down? I am not talking only about the fuel tax; attempts to impose it have been already abandoned. I am not talking about...

Andre Vltchek

In Syria the Entire Nation Mobilized, and Won

Yes, there is rubble, in fact total destruction, in some of the neighborhoods of Homs, Aleppo, in the outskirts of Damascus, and elsewhere. Yes, there are terrorists and ‘foreign forces’ in Idlib and in several smaller pockets in some parts of the country. Yes, hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives and millions are either in exile...

Andre Vltchek