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Andre Vltchek

Hundreds Dies ‘as a Result of the Indonesian Elections’

It truly looked grand, impressive – the fourth most populous country on earth voted in general elections, which were held on 17 April 2019. Hundreds of positions were for grab: that of the president, the vice president, members of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR, and...

Andre Vltchek

Europe in Irreversible Decay, EU Elections are Proof of It!

Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad things are going. But it never thinks that it is its own fault. North America is decaying as well, but there, people are not even used to comparing. They only “feel that...

Andre Vltchek

It is Indifference of the Israelis that is Killing People

In the past, whenever I went to (or more precisely, ‘through’ Israel, it was for some antagonistic purpose: to write about the brutal suppression of the intifada in Gaza or Hebron, to comment on the insanity of the land grab around Bethlehem, or to report from the eerie and de-populated...

Andre Vltchek