Andre Vltchek
18.03.2020 Andre Vltchek

You were told, by Western mass media outlets, to pity Uyghurs, an ethnic Chinese minority group from Xinjiang Province. You were instructed to ‘stand by them’, and to “defend their rights”. They told you that Uyghurs are being discriminated against, and that China is, unfairly, trying to destroy their culture. What you are not supposed to know is that many seemingly...

13.03.2020 Andre Vltchek

Frankly and in summary: recently The United States of America has crossed several lines, committing atrocities, in many parts of the world. In the past, no country could get away with this; such situations would inevitably lead to war. Presently, war is “avoided” only because the world is too frightened of Washington and its mafia-style...

03.03.2020 Andre Vltchek

Battleground Hong Kong! In the last 6 months I have kept on coming here, almost every month. Nothing has changed and everything has changed. Clearly, in the recent history, nothing damaged this great cosmopolitan city as much as the violent riots of pro-Western individuals, backed by the U.S., U.K., German, Taiwan’s and other anti-communist...


27.02.2020 Andre Vltchek

It is mad, it is insane, but to get from point A to point B in Bangkok or Jakarta can easily take 2 or 3 hours. Often, the traffic comes to a total gridlock. The air quality is now one of the worst on earth. Periodically, life comes to a standstill. On average, people spend years of their lives sitting in traffic jams. Some couples have stopped...

17.02.2020 Andre Vltchek

So far Turkey, militarily the second mightiest NATO country, has been able to get away with virtually anything it has chosen to brew in the Middle East. The reason why, is simple: to confront Turkey’s bullying and expansionism militarily would be like confronting the United States or Israel; thousands of innocent people would die...

10.02.2020 Andre Vltchek

Steve Bannon, a former White House strategist and Breitbart editor,was finally kicked out of an Italian monastery, which even Newsweek wittily described as a“far-right boot camp”. This author, along with a few others, has been warning for some time that the former Trump’s top advisor had crossed all lines, and began directly...

06.02.2020 Andre Vltchek

The Sultan of Oman – Qaboos bin Said Al Said - passed away at the age of 79. He was the longest serving monarch in the Gulf. Within 24 hours, an envelope with his will got opened, and the new ruler was announced and sworn in before the governing family council. His name is Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, and he is a former Minister of Heritage...

31.01.2020 Andre Vltchek

China has been hit by coronavirus as if by a brick over the head; heavily and mercilessly. Instead of help, Beijing has received criticism, even verbal attacks. In spite of doing tremendous job fighting the epidemy, China is getting almost no tributes for its performance. Now Bangkok, Jakarta and other regional capital are in panic. After trying to sweep...

23.01.2020 Andre Vltchek

Officially, the relationship between Japan and China is “somehow improving”. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is even expecting a visit by President Xi Jinping this spring. But, frankly, the relationship between the two mightiest countries in Asia is up and down, still very complex and hardly transparent. To date, the US nuclear-armed air force bases...

18.01.2020 Andre Vltchek

In the West, there is a new wave of political correctness at work: it is all about one’s sexual orientation; who has sex with whom, and how. Suddenly, the mass media in London, Paris and New York is greatly concerned about who has the right to change his or her sex, and who does not want to belong to any ‘traditional’ gender bracket. Thinking about ‘it’, writing about it...

07.01.2020 Andre Vltchek

They say he came from a humble background, and worked himself up the ranks, becoming, as many believe, the second most powerful man in Iran. They say he had the chance to become the next Supreme Leader of the country. Whenever I visit Iran, I am told how much he is loved by his people. He became the symbol of resistance against...

27.12.2019 Andre Vltchek

Once in a while, people ask me: “Why did you accept the US citizenship, many years ago?” “After all,” they say, “now you are one of the most vocal critics of the United States, and of the West in general.” Perhaps I never explained, or I did, some time ago, and now it is forgotten. So, let me try again, now that the world is facing destruction...