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Andre Vltchek

Syria’s Heroic Fight Against Western Imperialism

It is hard to imagine a more resilient, more heroic nation than Syria! With only 17 million inhabitants (according to the 2014 estimate, Syria is now facing the mightiest coalition on Earth – a coalition that consists of virtually all...

Andre Vltchek

Burkini and French Imperalist Mind

In Europe, oppression is never really called by its true ugly name. It is constantly concealed by lofty slogans such as culture, even tolerance. Repression, discrimination and harassment are administered in order for the ‘entire...

Andre Vltchek

Western Propaganda – So Simple But So Effective!

When some time ago Noam Chomsky and I met at MIT, in order to write a book “On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare” and to produce a film with the same title together, the topic we mainly aimed at discussing was...

Andre Vltchek