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Andre Vltchek

The Entire World is “Fake News”

Imperialist demagogues, as well as religious fanatics, are known to live in their grotesque realities. They erect huge sand castles, invent mascots, and bombard the public relentlessly with self-promoting messages. Those who refuse to...

Andre Vltchek

Taiwan: Ignorance, Danger of War and a High School Nazi Parade

At the end of December 2016, both Taiwan and the world were shaken to the core, when images appeared in the local press and online, depicting students parading in Nazi uniforms proudly raising their...

Andre Vltchek

Vietnam is Well, but that Angers Western Imperialism

Some fifteen years ago, when I lived in Hanoi, I used to come very often to the rooftop bar at the Meritus Hotel for an evening drink, just to feel gentle breeze and to spot ancient cargo boats majestically sailing on the surface...

Andre Vltchek