Andre Vltchek
11.06.2020 Andre Vltchek

While I am following closely various discussions on Western mass media and social media, simultaneously engaging in several direct exchanges, one overwhelming leitmotif that I see is clearly emerging: “What is happening in the United States (and the UK, France and other parts of Western Empire is not really about the race...

08.06.2020 Andre Vltchek

In Jakarta, doctors are dying, while common people do not know which data to believe, anymore. It appears that even some government officials do not trust government statistics. At the beginning of the pandemic, for weeks, the Indonesian government was pretending that there is no problem whatsoever, insisting that number of cases...

04.06.2020 Andre Vltchek

150 years ago, on April 21, 1870, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, alias Lenin, was born. According to many, he was the greatest revolutionary of all times, a man who gave birth to both internationalism and anti-imperialism. It is time to “revisit Communism”. It is also time to ask some basic, essential questions: “How is it possible that...

26.05.2020 Andre Vltchek

If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be laughable: the political brigands in North America and Europe are fuming, spitting and rolling their eyes upwards towards the ceiling. They are pointing fingers in all directions, shouting incoherently “China!”, “Russia!”, “Venezuela and Cuba!”, “Iran!”; “You, You, YOU!”. China and Russia are quietly building a new world, which includes...

18.05.2020 Andre Vltchek

How could the Great Patriotic War in which the Soviet people (including many members of my own family lost at least 25 million lives, have anything in common with the latest outbreak of the novel coronavirus? You think this is an absolutely insane question? However, before you dismiss it, think twice. There are similarities how they are being portrayed...

14.05.2020 Andre Vltchek

I refuse to describe Iran as a victim. It is not. It is one of the most influential and strong-minded nations on Earth. When facing mortal danger, its people unite, harden themselves and get ready to face invaders, no matter how threatening they might be. Iran is home to one of the oldest and deepest cultures in the world, and it’s precisely this culture...

29.04.2020 Andre Vltchek

It is getting ugly, extremely ugly. It is increasingly looking like a war – at least a new ‘cold’, ideological war. But in the shadow of COVID-19, it goes almost unnoticed. The blind horseman, who hates China intuitively, without knowing hardly anything about it, is leading the pack, pushing his president into a confrontation with the most populous country...

21.04.2020 Andre Vltchek

It is now the beginning of April 2020, and our planet has already come to an almost complete standstill. Some human beings are mesmerized; they are under the spell of the novel coronavirus (flu, named COVID-19. Well, not as novel, one could argue; not anymore. Every day, we are being bombarded by sensationalized numbers and analyzes...

13.04.2020 Andre Vltchek

For many years now, it has been obvious that in both North America and Europe, smearing and provoking China has become an extremely lucrative business, even career. There are entire ‘institutes’ and NGOs dedicated strictly to such activities, and there are individuals who are groomed to become anti-Chinese warriors. Peter...

07.04.2020 Andre Vltchek

Soon, there might be silence. The liberation of Prague, as well as the liberation of Auschwitz and or Warsaw by the Red Army will be forgotten. At least in Europe, even in Eastern Europe, where it took place. This is where it is all leading to. Perhaps, one day, East European governments will issue new orders to desecrate cemeteries and...

01.04.2020 Andre Vltchek

Now, that almost all of us, all over the world, have been forced into staying in what could be easily defined as house arrest, there is suddenly plenty of time to read books, to watch great films, and to listen to splendid music. Many of us, for years, have been sadly repeating again and again: “if only we would have time…” Now there...

24.03.2020 Andre Vltchek

Not long ago, the Wall Street Journal insulted China, calling it “the Real Sick Man of Asia”. China retaliated, and then the U.S. counter-retaliated. Emotions have been running high, journalists got deported. Suddenly, various Chinese officials expressed publicly what many in both China and Russia have been, for weeks, articulating...