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Andre Vltchek

Batam Island — Indonesia's Sorry Attempt to Create Second Singapore

This time it was really supposed to work! The turbo-capitalist, anti-Communist and obedient Indonesia got so used to hearing bizarrely inflated compliments from its Western handlers, that it began to believe that it finally could do it – to build at least one dignified, livable urban...

Andre Vltchek

Turkish-Syrian Border: Confusion, Destruction and Grief

When we first met in 2017, the Turkish poet, Mustafa Goren, stood proudly and defiantly next to a monstrous concrete wall built on orders from Ankara. The partition has just recently separated two towns with the same culture: Turkish Karkamis and Syrian Jarabulus. The poet then...

Andre Vltchek

Borneo – the Great Ancient Culture has been Destroyed

Would you ever think of the third largest island on Earth - Borneo (known as Kalimantan in Indonesia - as one of the cradles of the world’s democracy? Perhaps you wouldn’t, but you should. While Europe was engaged in myriads of internal as well as expansionist wars, in the once lush...

Andre Vltchek