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Andre Vltchek

In Afghanistan Russians Are Now Remembered With Love

This is not what you are supposed to be reading. All remembrances of the “Soviet Era” in Afghanistan has been boxed and then labeled as “negative”, even “toxic”. No discussion on the topic is allowed in ‘polite circles’, at least...

Andre Vltchek

Cold Arm of ‘Jihad’ Sponsored by the West is Reaching Rebellious Philippines

A month ago I wrote an essay exposing the complex network of Western-sponsored terrorism in Asia (“Washington Jihad Express: Indonesia...

Andre Vltchek

Trump's Claws Penetrating Bali

“America first” and “to hell with the rest of the world”! One single stroke of hand, one signature, and over 1,000 hardworking people in Bali, Indonesia, suddenly ended up on the pavement. No second thoughts, no mercy. American savage capitalist ways met and embraced that fabled Indonesian feudalism, which was implanted into...

Andre Vltchek