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The Soros Subversion Machine on a Platter

Phil Butler, April 19

242312312312Most policy experts know billionaire George Soros wields mighty influence. Even everyday citizens hear his name and associate it with control and power brokering. The man behind the anti-Trump chaos, the hedge fund oligarch and strange philanthropist, Soros is the real world equivalent of Dr. Evil. But up until now the world at large has tolerated his machinations. Up until now the world could not see clearly how Soros billions brought misery and suffering on a billion people.

My colleague, Dutch political analyst Hoger Eekhof called me up in a heightened state of disbelief recently. I recall Eekhof exclaiming over the phone some time back; “Phil, Soros’ organizations own leaks admit his complicity in controlling European policies!” Then, having been on the trail of Soros some years now, I became anxious to hear what the archival researcher had turned up. To my amazement, it turns out damning evidence on Soros and his Open Society Foundations can be found in plain sight, within months old DC Leaks cables obtained from the billionaire’s NGO. No doubt some readers will be astonished as well at finding these leaks nowhere in any mainstream media. The revelations are so telling and broad, I do not even know where to begin telling the story. Maybe it’s best to start with Soros straight out buying European media!

Extra! Extra! Soros Pays for EU Elections!

One document (PDF) from the DC Leaks horde from the Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) details programs and plans to influence the European elections in 2014. Not only does the Soros NGO document contain the strategies for tilting these elections, it also gives the amounts and recipients of Soros money paid for “creating” Europe policy and policymakers. Among the dozens of Soros paid for programs to leverage these elections, one grant program stood out for me as a journalist and analyst of media. The EUobserver ASBL fund was set up and funded by Soros in order to straight out “buy” major European media. I quote from the program objectives:

This project uses professional news reporting to foster debate on how open society values are under stress in the run up to the European elections. Topics include the rise of hate speech by Europe’s far right, the increased use of intolerant rhetoric and policies by mainstream politicians, as well as the rise in hate crime on the streets of Europe. EUobserver recruited experienced, local journalists to visit campaign events, conduct interviews and solicit high-level op-eds in 16 countries. By “going local”, EUobserver was able to point out worrying cross-border trends, rather than merely report on isolated incidents. They published a total of 128 articles in the period from February to May 2014.

What this means is, Soros funded the EUobserver plan with $130,922 dollars and bought 128 influential articles Europeans read across the EU. That’s roughly $1000 dollars per article for op-ed pieces, which is enough to sway the opinions of 90% of the European journalist I know of. The document outlining that plan goes so far as to label the areas of focus these articles were intended for, and included; Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland, and the UK. The EUobserver buyout of media was even extended by a further 32 articles at about $1000 dollars each to more acutely focus just before the elections. Now let this sink in.

Open Society Foundations also funded EUobserver to “recruiting a network of independent journalists in EU capitals to cover the impact of those policies and to highlight important local events.” This aspect of Soros media control and manipulation was funded with $75,000 dollars, but there’s no indication how many “recruits” this initiative hired.

Stoking the Marginalized Fires of Youth

As disturbing as the DC Leaks revelations of Soros direct media corruption is, the greater societal manipulation the various Soros NGOs have had are staggering. Within this same cable from Open Society Foundations direct “employment” and manipulation of the neo-liberals core constituency is shown. Another program funded by OSF was the European Alternatives – Italian branch. This aspect had as its “mission” to “amplify the voices of those far from the center of EU power, including those in vulnerable situations, such as migrants and youth…” Through a series of support mechanism, Soros sought to convert Italy’s young, the LGBT community, and basically any contra-conservative gang it could through the use of media “humor and satire”. A web entity was created, Voice of the Voiceless EU, which no longer exists. Here is where we see Soros summoning the plowshares and pitchfork carriers from among society’s most exuberant and aggressive segments. Voice of the Voiceless metastacized into a much broader movement we can now see in media, academia, and across the spectrum. The European Youth Portal is one mirror mechanism for Soros’ homogenization of youth ideals.

This aspect of Soros’ plan is quite brilliant actually. What may have looked like grass roots acceptance and support for such movements as the LGBT and same sex marriage activism, was in reality another recipe cooked up by people like Soros to “bake” the youth into globalist ultra liberal pie. Without the metaphors, Soros brainwashed a generation of vulnerable youth to believe in contra-convervative ideals and quests. The youth of Europe and the United States might have otherwise been predisposed to far right ideals, as an example. But Soros money can be shown to have reached deep into the subculture of fringe youth organizations. But the Soros “machine” is far more powerful than any one segment.

We Control the Vertical – We Control Your Culture

I am going to admit to you here, even I underestimated how powerful George Soros is. Discovering the depth and breadth of George Soros Machiavellianism in months old DC Leaks is an astonishing revelation. Yes, the leaks prove unequivocally me and my colleagues were right all along. But we are in no contest for accolades here, these late revelations also prove how little is known of this man’s endeavors, his connections, from whence all this immense power emanates from. For make no mistake, no single person could hide so effectively, unless…

Another program funded with nearly $300,000 dollars by OSF was the so-called “Radical Democracy for Europe” initiative. Once again, I quote directly from Open Society’s documents, this program was intended:

“To involve the creative media-making community (video and animation artists and other creative media-makers) in the debate around the elections and European politics in line with OSIFE’s general objectives by connecting to social networks and digital media platforms, using film as an awareness-raising tool, to reach a wide audience and have a maximum impact.”

Reading this it is easy to envision George Soros as the real life “Big Brother” from George Orwell’s 1984. The list of programs and their dramatic goals for subverting and concerting free thought into “Soros” driven ideals is almost unimaginable. Some of the other programs were:

  • European Elections 2014: countering the rise of hate-speech – This helped homogenize the LGBT community, the Roma, and women into one wieldable political tool
  • #DON’TmasturHATE international campaign – This OSF Bratislava initiative illustrates how grass roots efforts were “created” to troll digital and social to counter opposing views.

Soros efforts to sway European elections even reached deep down into the social/digital sphere to reach previously “unreachable” segments of society. Through the application and manipulation of aps and other technology driven tools, Soros seeks to “grab” anyone who can possible support the cause. From small programs like iChange Europe to innovations like Vote Match Europe, the Soros minions have been at work putting controls at every corner of the EU. SPIOR in Netherlands, Transparency International in Latvia, the European Youth Forum, Migrant Voice, the list and scope of Open Society Foundations endeavors for the 2014 elections alone is staggering. Soros launched a massive campaign in to transform Europe in 2014. What’s amazing for me is, he actually accomplished these preliminary goals. Europe is a political soup about to boil over three years later.

The Bigger Picture

Other documents within this DC Leaks “Soros” cache prove without question, the hedge fund billionaire is the single antagonist in the current European catastrophe. At least he’s the single most powerful “visible” arch villain. There’s ample evidence George Soros is the architect and dictator of the entire migrant/refugee situation destroying Europe today. With control mechanisms purchased or leveraged in every sphere that matters, it is not unreasonable to assume Soros directs EU leadership like a master puppeteer. The dogma, missions, rhetoric, tone, and direction of every piece of OSF documentation DC Leaks uncovered puts Soros activities in the crosshairs. From Doctors Without Borders and obscure organizations like The Federation of Greek Organizations for People with Disabilities, Soros levers anything and anyone capable of aiding his goals.

Looking at the broader context, the Soros organization more closely resembles a “mafia-like” structure than a typical business or philanthropical structure. There’s evidence inside these leaks to suggest George Soros exerts undue influence not only on leaders like Angela Merkel and her eastern European counterparts, but on the very organizations in place to mediate conflict. From the OSCE to a vast array of so-called “human rights” NGOs, Soros acts as a kind of “Godfather” figure. The favors he offers, which no one seems able to refuse” now extend past the purchasing power of money alone. I can only imagine the level of blackmail or bullying a man like Soros could exert. Today, when any government threatens dissent against the liberal-globalist movement, Soros rallies (OSCE and NGOs versus Hungary) a massively powerful army of collaborators.

We shall continue to collate and study these DC Leaks documents on Soros for later reports. I cannot begin to express my amazement that more has not been made of these leaks already. Perhaps like us, other investigators have been overwhelmed with the goings on since President Trump ran, and was elected. What’s becoming vividly clear is the enigma called George Soros, one man exerting tremendous influence on all our lives.

Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.