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The U.S. Deep State’s Policy – Kill Them All and Let God Sort Them Out

Phil Butler, July 25

The U.S. Deep State’s Policy - Kill Them All and Let God Sort Them Out

The United States of America, my beloved homeland, has been taken over by an elite mafia capable of anything and everything. I do not think many of my countrymen would disagree, given the events of the past couple of decades. Today, it seems as if killing has become the key to our leadership’s domestic and foreign policy.

The recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and accusations the U.S. is backing attempts to kill Russia’s Vladimir Putin, are two prime examples of someone, or a group of someone(s) who have sanctioned murdering any opposition.

The Deep State of Fumbling Idiots

When the U.S. Secret Service detail surrounding former President Donald Trump huddled to cover the wounded candidate, the world watched an unbelievable drama unfold. Some claim the service dedicated to protecting presidents purposely allowed 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks a window for killing Trump. Most reading this will have read the stories and seen the memes about a pimple-faced assassin climbing a ladder with an assault rifle, in broad daylight, to a roof only 147 yards from his target.

Crooks, who still remains a sort of enigma, took aim and fired at a man who should have been covered by a swarm of agents, an assault team, a sniper team, and an air component. Trump’s team has repeatedly requested additional resources and has been denied on all counts. As of this writing, a swirl of information about the shooter and Trump’s protection team reveals what would at first glance seem a comedy of errors. Now reports say three local police snipers were in the building and saw Crooks rummaging about carrying a rangefinder used by bench rest shooters and military snipers. There’s a novel to be written there, so let’s move away from the Trump fiasco and on to another Joe Biden Secret Service fandango.

This one baffles me more than the Trump Secret Service detail female who could not even holster her gun once the shooting stopped. No, really. In footage of the former president entering a mobile unit after the event, a gaggle of female officers seems to be covering his departure, and one agent can’t even get her service weapon back in its holster on her side. That video went viral, of course. I won’t get into Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s plans to make 30% of the service women no matter what. In America, announcing a tranny pole dancer as CIA director would not come as a shock.

Those Pesky Kennedys

All jabs aside, another aspect of all this is the nephew of slain President John F. Kennedy, and the son of slain presidential candidate Senator Bobby Kennedy is the third leading candidate for America’s highest office. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. is an independent candidate currently garnering about 27% of young people’s votes (see Generation Lab Poll). And get this, for months and months, his team requested Secret Service protection that never came. That’s right, a high-profile man, from a high-profile family is in the running, but the people running Joe Biden, leave him open to suffer his uncle’s and his father’s fate. Dumb, huh? Or?

It seems appropriate to recall a deep-state “kill them all” report known as The Clinton Chronicles. Labelled a conspiracy theory by the same people who’d love to see Trump, Putin, and a bunch of others gone, this story goes back to the Contras, drug smuggling into Mena Airport in Arkansas, and a slew of bodies in the Clinton wake. The cases of the spy Ian Spiro, White House intern Mary Mahoney, Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster, Jerry Parks, head of security for the Clintons, Edward Eugene Willey (Clinton sex allegations), Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, Jim McDougal (Whitewater).

Then there were John F. Kennedy Jr. (see Hillary takes senate seat), Seth Rich, Victor Thorn, Shawn Lucas, Jeffrey Epstein, Christopher Sign, Haitian president Jovenel Moïse, alleged sex trafficker Jean-Luc Brunel, and former Bill Clinton advisor Mark Middleton are some of the deaths surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton. I won’t delve into Pizzagate, the Epstein case, money-making through the Clinton Foundation, or the disintegration of Yugoslavia here. Someone fund a book by me on these issues.

Killing – It’s a U.S. Trend

Moving outward from the land of amber waves of grain and purple mountains and the deep state’s fascination with murdering people gets even more interesting. Take the recent statement from Ukrainian spy chief Kyrylo Budanov, who revealed his country’s failed assassination attempts against Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview hours after the Trump event. Looking back, we can recall Barack Obama’s sophisticated grid/database of people believed to pose a threat to US interests and how they could be disposed of. Known as the “Obama Kill List,” this dastardly scheme was concocted to prove the Liberal World Order could kill anybody who messed with them. Al Capone, the famous Chicago mobster, must have used such tactics. (Isn’t Chicago where the Obamas got started?).

  • Under the Reagan administration In 1984, a CIA manual for training the Nicaraguan Contras instructed trainees on PSYOP [psychological operations], including murdering local judges, police, and even tax collectors.
  • In 1986, President Ronald Reagan ordered the assassination by air raid of Muammar Gaddafi, but the attempt failed.
  • In 1992 President Bill Clinton returned Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power in Haiti.
  • 2000 – Insert Bill Clinton and the CIA’s sanctioned involvement in the breakup of Yugoslavia here.
  • After President Bush’s “War on Terror” began, 4.5–4.6 million people were killed, and upwards of 20 million were displaced in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the Middle East.
  • George Walker Bush ordered the assassination of Saddam Hussein by air strike, but the attempt failed.
  • As the punctuation point of the Arab Spring, U.S. Senators, Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham and Independent Joe Lieberman, urged Barack Obama to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
  • WikiLeaks released documents which showed the CIA in October 2014 looking at hacking into car control systems in order to stage car crashes.
  • The two leaders of the Ukraine separatist movement Arseny Pavlov (aka Motorola), Mikhail (Givi) Tolstykh, Alexei Mozgovoi, Alexander Zakharchenko and other prominent rebel figures were all murdered in a span of a couple of years. Foreign Policy Magazine immediately pointed the finger at Russia, which tells us the CIA and/or the Brits had something to do with these killings.
  • Seven years ago, North Korea’s Ministry of State Security accused the CIA of an alleged assassination attempt on Kim Jong-un.
  • Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, was killed by a drone strike in January 2020 by the Trump administration.
  • In 2021, Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated. Allegations of the Clintons and their foundation being involved were stifled by the media.
  • In 2022, Darya Dugina, daughter of Russian political philosopher Alexander Dugin was killed in a failed attempt on him by agents of the Ukraine regime backed by the United States.
  • Presently, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham and other American war hawks are still calling for the killing of Russian President Vladimir Putin

Putin Slips On Banana Peel – Guess Who Done It?

Today, a U.S. presidential candidate has been targeted. Another candidate only received Secret Service protection in the wake of the attempt on Trump. Joe Biden, the incumbent President, has dropped out of the race for U.S. president, and the elites are trying to push a loose cannon (imbecile) named Kamala Harris into the presidency. Over the past two decades, Western mainstream media (owned by the elites) has put Vladimir Putin in either a wheelchair or a coffin a hundred times. Recalling how the CIA denied having ever tried to kill Cuba’s Fidel Castro, then finally admitted to dozens of attempts – well, I would not put it past Langley having a truckload of banana peelings dumped on the steps leading to Putin’s office.

Starting in 2005, it was a stroke published by the Atlantic. In 2014, an unnamed German doctor claimed the Russian leader was dying of cancer. Then in 2015, V.V. Putin was deathly ill because of (get this) complications from plastic surgery. From leprosy and Parkinson’s disease to being dead already, the vested elites have wished for Putin’s demise like kids wishing for big Christmas presents. Yet, somehow, he is still with us without so much as a blood squib going off in his ear before rolling cameras. Oops! Now that is my conspiracy theory about the Trump fiasco.

Having considered all this, is anyone out there still wondering why Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova pointedly accused Washington of funding the assassination of her president?


Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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