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The Fear of Fear Itself: The Gripping Truth Out of Ukraine

Phil Butler, November 23

Scarcity and who is getting rich from it is the only geopolitical question that matters today. The proxy military actions in Ukraine are all over the news. Of course, it is. Death, destruction, and war machines have always been popular entertainment. The real war, the battle waged by the elites on us all, is the important story that’s never told. Here, fellow citizens of Earth, is the case for deciding to free ourselves for good. Who was it who said “we have nothing to fear?” Ah yes, it was FDR during the depression.

“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1st inaugural address

Now we are asked to be afraid of Vladimir Putin weaponizing gas! We must act in defense, to the Russian’s weaponizing food! And Vladimir Putin personally killed J.F.K. with a BB-Gun from the Texas book depository in Dallas. Did Russia’s leadership wake up one morning in 2014 and decide a NATO regime was needed in next-door Ukraine? Well, no. Were the Russians shelling people with Polish DNA in Kyiv for eight years? Certainly not. The EU, NATO, and the New York Times would have informed us of that. So why would Russia act the way she has recently? I see no one out there gazing with practical eyes on this situation. Oh, commodities and controlling them! Money! Tons and tons of money! That has to be it.

Some weeks back, Vladimir Putin’s government decided to allow the free passage of grain ships through the Black Sea out of southwestern Ukraine. The “food” was ostensibly headed to the starving people of Africa and Asia that Washington, London, and Brussels were berserk over. Even the United Nations has taken the position that starving people around the world need to blame Russia. I was reading a Voice of America report on recent UN meetings about the Ukraine/Black Sea shipments, and it reads like intel for Wall Street commodities brokers. And there’s the point. Food security worldwide is now the red-hot poker western elites are jabbing Russia with now. Since Putin’s gas hike was not enough to stir Americans into a blood ritual for total war, now the liberal world order is throwing grocery prices into the mix.

For those in the dark or dizzied by all these events, and I am often with you, the easy version is to simply call this World War III. Yes, we are already in it. For true clarity, think about the sequence of recent events, and their impact. Nord Stream was blown up. The next day a pipeline from Norway to Poland caring much more expensive natural gas went into operation. A few days after this the Poles demanded trillions in reparations from the Germans for WW2 grievances settled decades ago. The essentials that power economies and people are being weaponized, but the perpetrators hide in plain sight behind media they own.

Retired U.S. Colonel Douglas MacGregor gives the best appraisal of the situation recently in a talk with Aaron Maté and Katie Halper. MacGregor, who has been dubbed “America’s Greatest Warfighter,” is a war hero and former strategy advisor during the Trump administration. He says, in no uncertain terms, that Washington and London leaders are on a mission to destroy Germany and the German-Russian cooperative potential. I believe he is right on all counts, but he leaves off how the western elites (banksters) are profiteering from it all. This is a multiple pronged strategy, not some haphazard knee jerking.

In a piece I wrote for Zero Hedge recently. I framed how the Cargill family and others are breaking all company records since February, 2022. My thesis involved the potential for a partitioning of Ukraine coming up, and this may be wrong. The fact that the Cargill family of billionaires are already milking this Ukraine situation dry, is the point to take away. Cargill more or less owns the port outside Odessa, where these shipments to feed the world originated. Only get this, BBC reported that the first ships the Russians let through went to the EU and Turkey, not to Mogadishu or some place in Yemen awash with begging skeletons. Why would the United Nations, the White House, 10 Downing Street, and European Commission leadership cry “world hunger,” and then ship the millions of tons of grain and other foodstuffs to Europe?

Well, I guess it should be noted that Chicago’s Archer Daniels Midland is into corn in Ukraine. Which, by the way, was the biggest agricultural commodity shipped in the initial ships from the UN-Turkey arrangement. Netherlands-based Bunge is also into ports, grains, seed oils in Ukraine. Oh, and the French multinational Louis Dreyfus Company (See massive revenue spike) is one of the largest exporters of Ukraine beet sugar. Maybe this is why we see Emmanuele Macron in Kyiv so often?   As for Cargill, they even got help from the Biden White House to get more baby formula out, if you remember. Guess which region plays a pivotal role in the production of baby food? Yes, there are those just evil enough to starve your baby to leverage you. And most of them are not Russian. No, the ruling elites in the west are the ones waging this profit war, not the ever-pesky Ruskies.

Cargill, for those who do not know, makes most of its billions off of foodstuff ingredients, like wheat, soy, soybean oil, barley, and even lab created beef (it’s no joke). Pencil into your mind Bill Gates, vast stretches of U.S. farm land, and vaccines, fertilizers, fake meats, wind farms, basically the whole spectrum of far out societal concern, and things become clearer. Conspiracy theorists, in large part, were correct when warning us about Big Brother and the World Economic Forum working to enclave us. That’s the bigger story, but consider who is winning big off this war. “Follow the money,” is the best cliché ever coined if you want to find truth in today’s world. Gas prices, food prices, demand for nearly everything in hyper mode, the producers are making a killing.

Ironically, Vladimir Putin’s people announced 500,000 tons of free grain to the poorest of the world, and rock bottom prices and delivery guarantees for all in need. Russia’s harvest this year is the biggest in decades, and much of it has been slated for those with the most need. The Russians, unlike the grain pirates who now hold the world hostage to their price hikes, have pledged to fulfill need. We needn’t go into the military industrial complex or the Great Game Britain and Russia are still playing out. Just know, I am not alone in pointing to the “killing” the super-rich are making right now.

Don’t be fooled, not this time. It’s all about money. Boat load, truck trailers, car trunks, and plane cargo loads of filthy money. We are taking it from both ends people. You should be afraid, and not simply of fear. We should all be fearful of the great evil that stands behind these events.

“Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.” — Aristotle

Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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