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Abkhazia: a “false flag” in the making?

Seth Ferris, July 04

464563The South Caucasus has a surprisingly number of links with US Department of Defense contractors. This is highly questionable, especially given how far away Georgia and the region is from the United States. Though we usually find out about their deeds after the event, it seems that at the moment one contractor at least is casting actors for the next possible false flag attack, or staged media event.

Something is clearly going on around the border of Abkhazia, which broke away from Georgia proper in the early 1990s after a bloody conflict. Mobius Industries USA, Inc. is hiring Georgian-speaking Cultural Advisor/Roleplayers in the US to help support America’s Military’s Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) Program.

Mobius Defense claims to be in continuous search of Professional Role Players from all cultures, but in its list of desired cultures and languages there is no mention of Georgian. As this list was compiled in 2012, Georgian is a new addition to its portfolio.

Actors and stage

So what? You may say. The “crisis actors” recruited by Mobius act out training scenarios in a realistic town, village or training room on a military training site in the US. They pretend to be ordinary villagers, public officials (mayors, advisors, judges), insurgents, policemen, interpreters or army and other military personnel. Their purpose is to convincingly recreate the political, religious, cultural, and economic relationships found within the applicable community for training purposes.

Many academic papers can now be found which support the need for the US military to employ crisis actors. This practice is said, amongst other things, to help commanders identify and develop the leadership requirements of the modern fighting force. However their real use has long been known, which is precisely why so many papers have been written which do not mention it.

Crisis actors are used to “manufacture consent”, in other words to concoct fabricated news stories or staged events which persuade public and politicians that a desired military intervention is justified. These stories produce what is now called the CNN effect, in which so many headlines are created that a world power has to be seen to be reacting to them, despite the fact the same country manufactured those stories to begin with, by tricks such as using poison gas and then blaming the other side, showing pictures of dead bodies without providing evidence of where they were taken and when, etcetera.

Several stunts of this nature have taken place in the Syrian conflict, as exposed in this journal and others. The direct involvement of the US in these activities, which it does of course deny if it comments at all, has been proven by the fact that the “terrorist weapons” being used by the designated enemy in a given conflict are almost always supplied by US manufacturers through US controlled smuggling routes, and there is paperwork to back this up. However the most recent revelation to come out of the US may be the most telling evidence of what games are actually being played by the guardians of democracy.

False flag exposed

The Boston Marathon bombings are currently being reinvestigated. Now the alleged suspects are either dead or in custody independent researchers have begun piecing together a reality much different to the one presented to the public by the news media, containing so many distortions of the truth that they could not have happened by chance, or by individuals acting alone, on impulse. We don’t know whether Mobius Industries wrote the manual, but someone in a position to influence events was clearly using one.

For example, the local SWAT team member insisted in a CNN interview that one suspect, Djokhar Tsanaev, had been captured with a gun after an exchange of gunfire. However, other police and FBI testimony clearly states that he was unarmed and there were no weapons on the boat he was captured on. The FBI has refused to explain why there had been gunfire at the scene, as several witnesses have said, when by its own testimony the suspect was unarmed. It has also refused to say why a different SWAT team is also claiming “credit” for the arrest, and issuing its own photographs to prove it.

Similarly, photos of the scene of arrest have been doctored. Those inside the boat are much darker than the ones outside, although the height of the fence behind the boat, visible in the photos, indicates that the light level should be the same. It is said that the suspect had a wound on his neck, but even the doctored photographs demonstrate this was not present until after he had surrendered and was assaulted by the officers, as is depicted in another photo.

Examining the footage of the actual bombings, one researcher has noticed the same person being interviewed twice by CNN, but presented as two different witnesses speaking at two different times and locations. There is also a strange object obscuring scenes of the rescue of an amputee, which is actually a number of different images of halves of the same person, separate, not attached to each other, which also appear at other points in the same footage. All this is being filmed by a news cameraman wearing sunglasses whilst filming.

No one has yet explained these deviations from the official version of events. What we know however is that people are being recruited by US defence contractors to pretend to be involved in crisis situations, as part of US military programmes, and the US military is preparing for some programme or diversion on the Abkhazian-Georgian border now.

We also know that the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings were Chechens. The insertion of Chechen terrorists into the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia, under a US programme, their nicer cars and higher standard of living than the Georgians in the same neighbourhood and the complicity of the Georgian government in this is now well-documented, being officially investigated by the new Georgian government and has seen at least one person, a British journalist Roddy Scott, murdered for trying to report it.

Why now?

The recruitment of Georgian crisis actors by a company which hasn’t wanted then before appears to be a response to a UN Declaration made on June 5, at the Sixty-eighth Session of the General Assembly. This recognised that Internally Displaced Persons from Abkhazia and Tskhknivali (South Ossetia) had the right to return to their homes, from which they were driven during the Georgian civil war of the early 90’s.

It reads, in part:

“Concerned about forced demographic changes, as well as the humanitarian situation resulting from armed conflict in Georgia, the General Assembly recognized today the right of all internally displaced persons, refugees and their descendants to return to their homes throughout that country, including Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia.”

The Assembly underlined the urgent need for unimpeded humanitarian access to all people in conflict-affected areas, favourable security conditions and for a timetable to ensure the voluntary, safe and dignified return of all internally displaced persons and refugees to their places of origin. It also called upon all participants in the Geneva discussions to bolster efforts to establish a durable peace, and take immediate steps to ensure respect for human rights.

As the UN made this declaration and jointly chairs the Geneva discussions its military will be expected to be part of ensuring the IDPs return. Strange, then, this resolution is only passed now and not before. Such a apparently worthwhile programme could have been undertaken long ago. It hasn’t because the conflicts between Georgia and its breakaway regions are frozen, with neither side able to accept the position of the other in either case. Keeping these conflicts frozen is therefore the prerequisite for keeping the IDPs out of Abkhazia and keeping the US in Georgia.

Why would the US want to do this? Maybe we should ask the staff of the US Embassy and various think tanks, especially those based in Tbilisi. Much is being discussed and decided in the shadows.

We could also ask why the local elections in West Georgia, the main hub of the US weapons smuggling programme as a number of investigative discoveries have made clear, are certain to be won by Saakashvili henchmen who have been thrown out elsewhere in Georgia, as both the opposition and even government lists are populated with them. These individuals are all linked with the Hudson and Potomac Institutes, US think tanks, as well as a variety of criminal gangs. It in more than coincidence that West Georgia borders Abkhazia and the Georgian military budget is expected to be topped up by the United States budget to levels close to prior to the 2008 Georgian-Russian war in light of events in Ukraine.


We have seen what “crisis actors” actually do. We have seen it in Syria and in Boston. If their work was as effective as the military claims, the US would be gaining ground in Syria rather than losing it and there would be no more Islamist terrorists in the Caucasus, like the ones who were shooting in Maidan Square and were given Georgian passports immediately afterwards.

The effect of their work is to cause conflict by manufacturing a justification for it. As their military usefulness is so limited, but that is the only reason given for employing them, the only reason they are ever introduced is when someone wants to manufacture a conflict. A US company is now recruiting such actors for a US defence programme for future deployments to a region next door to a main weapons transport hub, the port of Poti on the Georgian Black Sea coast.

Of course, if conflict erupts again in Abkhazia Russia will be blamed by the international community. Mobius International has been advertising for Russian crisis actors for a lot longer than Georgian ones. You have been warned!

Seth Ferris, investigative journalist and political scientist, expert on Middle Eastern affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.