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Canada To The Predator Nation: Go To Hell

Christopher Black, January 13, 2025

Donald Trump’s unprecedented threats against allies like Canada, Denmark, and NATO itself have sparked outrage and highlighted the fragility of international alliances under his administration.

Canada To The Predator Nation: Go To Hell

Trump’s Betrayal

President Trump won his election to the US presidency partly on the promise to bring peace to the world, to end US wars. But he has betrayed his own people and America’s allies with new threats of aggression by the United States, against two NATO states, Canada and Denmark, as well as against Mexico and Panama. He not only threatens to invade Mexico, but to go further and erase its name from history and maps, since he has claimed he will have the Gulf of Mexico renamed the Gulf of America. He does not seem to know the name of his country is not America, which is the word for the entire Western Hemisphere.
Canadian people do not at all support the Canadian government’s policies towards Russia and China

The Threats Begin

With respect to Mexico and Canada, Trump began his attacks with threats to place tariffs on their exports to the USA, on the pretext of punishing them for failing to control their borders and for the movement of fentanyl into the USA. Everyone knew they were pretexts when he made these threats.  Now he admits it as he has become bolder and openly states he wants Canada’s resources, which the US already gets at cut-rate prices, as well as the resources of Greenland. He wants to take over the Panama Canal to make it difficult for Chinese and other shipping to reach destinations cheaply or at all. Mexico he dislikes because it refuses to condemn Russia, opposes US hegemony in Latin America, and, like Canada, has some oil he wants to steal.

The Reaction

A lot of jokes have been made in response to these threats, especially in the United States media, both the main media and the alternate media, particularly with regard to Canada. There is a lot of talk about the threat to Greenland, and Panama, but the general run of comments by Americans, and those influenced by them in the world, is that half of Canadians would welcome joining the USA, that national sovereignty isn’t what it used to be, and other nonsense designed to stop people thinking.

Trump Threatens Aggression Against NATO States

The fact is Trump is threatening openly to commit aggression against those nations, the supreme war crime, and in regard to Canada and Denmark, two NATO nations.  The United States is threatening to attack NATO. That is the bizarre reality.

People should be reminded of what Article 1 of the NATO Treaty states, which is that,

“The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.”

The USA under Trump intends to violate every word of Article 1.  Every word. No one in NATO says anything. But then no one in the UN Security Council says anything about this new threat to international peace and security either.

What does the NATO Treaty say about a NATO member attacking other NATO members? Nothing. Article 5 refers to collective defence by all NATO members if any one of them is attacked, but the context makes it clear that an attack by the United States, in this case, on Canada or Denmark, will not trigger Article 5 on their behalf.  So, insofar as threats from the USA is concerned, the NATO Treaty is a useless piece of paper for the other members.  And, of course, we have seen Germany lie down and take it when the US sabotaged their gas supplies from Russia by blowing up the North Stream Pipeline, forcing the Germans and other EU states to buy expensive US Liquid Natural Gas, a mobster racket.

The USA is in such desperate straights that it is in effect, destroying NATO, by threatening to openly attack Canada and Denmark. In the case of Germany, the attack was hushed up. No one talks about it, or scapegoats are blamed for an American crime, to try to keep NATO intact.  The subterfuge has been abandoned now. The open threats against Canada and Denmark mean that those two nations are no longer protected by the NATO alliance, since it is the USA that is making the threats, and it controls the alliance. They are left to defend themselves as best they can. NATO has become a shambles not only militarily, but also politically. And, of course, the deep hypocrisy of the Americans and their allies is displayed since they can no longer complain about Russia’s actions in Ukraine when the USA threatens to conquer several of its own allies. 

The Reaction of Russia and China

One would think that Russia and China would jump at the chance to step into this mess and further divide NATO, try to lure Canada and Denmark away from the USA and towards themselves. But they have said little about the issue, except in regard to Greenland. They seem not to care about Canada at all.

This is somewhat understandable since Canada has been one of the most hostile of American vassals against them, and continues to be, and they may be laughing at the situation Canada has trapped itself in, so long servile to US domination, for having made Russia and China, which wanted to be friends, into enemies.

But if there is such an attitude, it is a mistake, since the Canadian people do not at all support the Canadian government’s policies towards Russia and China, and many want to restore good relations and look forward to sustained cooperation with Russia and China.  Now, with the US threats, many other Canadians are waking up to the reality of hegemon we have been serving all these years, yet when they look around for friends to support them, no one is there, while Russia and China look on with amusement at the bitter irony of it all.

It may be amusing for a while, but it is no joking matter for Canadians.  The Canadian people would welcome statements of support at least for Canadian sovereignty, if not for particular governments, and for the desire of the Canadian people to live their own lives as they have chosen for two hundred years to live, free of American tyranny.

American Propaganda Preceding and Supporting the Threat

The American propaganda against Canada has been building for several years, with a lot of it coming from a legion of right-wing channels on YouTube and other social media, and while the Canadian government twisted itself into knots about Chinese or Russian influence in our “democracy,” they ignored what was going on right under their noses, the constant and blatant attempts to control political events in Canada by the United States and its intelligence services.

It continues with lies about Canadians wanting to live in the USA. This is meant to undermine Canadian confidence and to fool Americans into supporting Trump’s threats. Be assured, no one, no one, in Canada wants to live in the USA aside from a few who have American ancestry or passports or those working for oil companies in the West of Canada.

Trump’s propaganda, adopted by American and even writers in Europe, to justify this aggression amounts to stating that Canada’s budgets depend heavily on economic ties with the US, and that this highlights the absurdity of sovereignty under such conditions.

But the truth is that Canada’s budget does not depend at all on economic ties to the US. The Canadian government budget is financed entirely from domestic taxes. It always has been. Nor has its development depended on the USA. In fact, the US has crippled Canada’s development by its policies towards Canada, as it has with Mexico and the EU.

Or, Trump and like thinkers ask, “Why should the US continue to prop up Canada’s independence when the costs outweigh the benefits?” The answer is that the US has never “propped up” Canadian independence.

Canada Props Up the USA

The US has never given us a dime, Not a nickel, It is we who prop the US up with cheap oil, 4 million barrels a day, cheap gas, 3 trillion cubic feet a year, electricity-Canada supplies most of the northern and northeast US with electricity. New York City is dependent on electricity from Quebec. It relies on Canada for lumber, paper, wheat, uranium and rare earth metals, without which it cannot function. On top of that, we are forced to buy their useless F35s to prop up their arms industry, and they have used our armed forces, for frees, to help them in their wars which benefit only them, not Canada and for which Canadians have paid a lot. Canada has, shamefully, subsidized their wars.

It is Canada that has propped up the United States, just as the European nations have been forced to do, and the world, which uses the dollar as a world currency when it’s real value, in light of the huge US debt, is close to zero. 

Canada’s Raison d’Etre: We Reject Everything the USA Stands For

Canada’s raison d’etre, the reason it exists, is because we reject everything the USA stands for.  Despite the bad leadership of our vassal leaders the past twenty-five years which has led Canada into criminal adventures in other countries, Canadians do not like the American culture, their arrogance, their condescension, their violence, their form of “democracy,” their really one-party political system, their complete lack of concern about the lives of their citizens, the constant bullying, their pathological society at large.

Canada, at least the English-speaking part, was largely settled in its early days by the colonists who fled the United States after 1783, the United Empire Loyalists, up to a third of the population or more, who fled north to escape what was coming and moved into Upper Canada, now Ontario, Lower Canada, now Quebec, and the Maritime Provinces.

In the War of 1812, the Americans conducted their first foreign invasion, of Canada, claiming in their pamphlets, that they were bringing us “democracy,” by force of bayonets.  The Canadian people did not want what they were selling and resisted.  The Americans were defeated and at the end of the war large swathes of the United States were under British and Canadian control, only to be given back in peace negotiations.

Defeated, they switched their focus to the long war on Mexico, much of which they still illegally occupy and which Mexico has the right to demand be returned to Mexico’s control.

Canada’s Defence Scheme No. 1

There have been other attempts to attack Canada, including one by General Grant after the American forces defeated the forces of the Confederate States of America in 1865 and wanted to his large army to invade, but internal problems prevented it, another in the 1870s, with the Fenian Raids, and there were threats after that. In fact, the general threat was considered such a serious one that until 1982, Canada had a plan on how to defend the country in case of a US attack- Defence Scheme No. 1.

Defence Scheme No. 1 was a document outlining the strategy of the Canadian government in the face of an imminent invasion from the USA. It included plans for lightning strikes into the US, in the west through Washington, Oregon, and North Dakota, and Minnesota, and in the east, into Michigan, New York, and into the New England states, the seizure of key towns, cities transport routes, and so on, to force the Americans away, and then to fall back into guerrilla operations if the war continued. When I was in the Canadian Army in the late 60s, early 70s, my regiment trained on this operational plan.  We can expect an updated plan now to be activated.

Reaction in Canada and the Consequences

I say so because the reaction from Canadian political leaders from every party, from the right to the left, has been to tell the Americans to go to hell, and if they want a fight, they will get one. The NDP leader challenged the others to promise to sanction the US if it sanctions Canada. The Premiers of some provinces threatened to cut oil and gas supplies, and electricity to the US north and northeast, and others have responded by stating that perhaps a number of US states may want to secede the USA to join Canada, and encourage them to do it.  Trudeau, still the Prime Minister, said Canada will never be part of the USA, and Trump’s idea has as much chance of coming true as a snowball’s chance in Hell. If Trump and the Deep State, which make the USA a predator nation, think Canada is a push over because it was supine for so long, they better think again.

They have succeeded in something our leaders have failed to do for some years, united all Canadians into one voice, into a unified force of resistance, into remembering who we are, what we want, how we want to live, and we are all united in one thing: we don’t want to be Americans, and no force on Earth exists that can ever make us into Americans.


Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto. He is known for a number of high-profile war crimes cases and recently published his novel Beneath the Clouds. He writes essays on international law, politics and world events.

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