The United States’ use of terrorist methods to eliminate Russian gas competition by undermining the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea on September 26 and numerous well-founded suspicions about Washington’s possible use of tectonic weapons in the February earthquake in Turkey are among the most widely discussed topics in many nations today.
Seymour Hersh, who is well known for his high-profile investigative journalism and who wrote a piece about the terrorist attacks on the North Stream pipelines, successfully demonstrated that the explosives were planted by experts from the US Navy’s dive and rescue department. The American journalist thereby demonstrated to the world how Washington has long since crossed the “border of decency,” under the guise of meaningless platitudes about “American democracy,” and armed itself with terrorist techniques, demonstrating that the foundation of such “democracy” is terrorism. It is now clear to everyone that the US is to blame and that this is its true nature, regardless of the propaganda or fabrications Washington tries to use to deny its involvement in the attack, even to the point of trying to blame “a certain Ukrainian group” or to pressure the Baltic Sea states to delay and divert the investigation into the bombing.
Another example of this is the fact that Tulsi Gabbard, a former candidate for the US presidency, emphasized on Fox News that Joe Biden had always lied about the US’s non-participation in igniting the Ukraine issue and about terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines. And now that he has been exposed, the American President is attempting to feed the world an absurd story.
In any case, the truth will triumph, and the United States will be forced to shamefully admit its guilt in this terrorist attack, accepting not only legal responsibility for it, as well as the energy and economic crisis it has caused, but also compensating everyone who has suffered losses.
Against the backdrop of the current American authorities’ boundless lies, ever louder accusations are starting to appear against Washington and for the natural disaster that erupted in February, killing 48 thousand people in Turkey alone and causing more than $100 billion in damage to this country. The version of the artificial nature of the recent earthquake in the region, previously voiced in Turkish society and in an article in Sözcü by the head of the Turkish space agency, Serdar Hussein Yildrim, is becoming stronger by the day. And experts in many countries support it. Also, the fact that several Western embassies, including the US Embassy in Turkey, abruptly closed just a few days prior to the earthquake may be evidence that Washington may have forewarned some of its friends about the potential impending use of tectonic weapons. Especially given that similar “preventive” actions have previously been made, most notably when the US was preparing to “punish” the Erdoğan administration by using the Turkish military to attempt a violent coup in this country by destabilizing the situation in Turkey in 2016.
The American military facility HAARP, or High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, which is situated in Alaska, has already been mentioned in connection with the earthquake in Turkey as a tool of tectonic warfare, in particular, when studying the causes of the unexpected earthquake in Colombia in January 1999. At the time it was stated that subduction, a shift of the Nazca tectonic plate, could be the cause of tremors, although in fact no vertical movements were detected on the fault line, unlike earthquakes on the San Andreas fault in California. In this regard, back then the topic of the possible use of tectonic weapons by the United States was also discussed. Especially since the most affected Colombian cities of Armenia and Pereira had long ben considered oases of peace and prosperity until the civil war broke out in this country and they turned into drug trafficking centers that caused many problems for the United States.
As a significant number of scientists in different countries suggest, a tectonic weapon can really cause such catastrophic earthquakes, for which it is enough to use the so-called magnetohydrodynamic generator, which sends strong electromagnetic pulses deep into the crust. It was such installations that already appeared in the United States in the 1970s and have been tested for many years since. It is known that it is especially easy to artificially provoke an earthquake using such a generator in those regions where there are stresses in the earth’s crust. Yet, strangely enough, the country that is most suited for this situation is Turkey (and Colombia in 1999).
In this regard, it will not be superfluous to recall that the disaster in Turkey occurred after the demand of Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu to the United States to remove “its dirty hands” from the Turkish Republic. Such an unambiguous attack by Ankara could, of course, “hurt” Washington, which takes offense at such attacks, especially from representatives of the “freedom-loving Erdoğan administration.” Consequently, couldn’t the White House approve the necessary “punishment of Turkey,” including employing “tectonic weapons”? And, at the same time, resolve its long-standing commitment to remove Erdoğan from his position of power?
Everyone is familiar with HAARP, an American scientific initiative that investigates how intense electromagnetic radiation interacts with the ionosphere, particularly, controlling the human brain, creating a nuclear explosion without radiation release, moving and melting polar ice, interfering with the ozone layer, causing earthquakes and tsunamis, and controlling ocean waves.
The American Embassy in Turkey issued a warning that “security is under threat here” after the Turkish newspaper dikGAZETE published an article regarding mysterious bluish outbreaks in the sky of Turkey right before the powerful earthquake. This article and several others in this field sought to make a connection between this extremely bizarre atmospheric phenomenon and the ensuing catastrophic earthquake, a sign of potential HAARP activity. And in this regard, it is unavoidably brought to mind as the media reported that on November 12, 2012, when HAARP was used to send strong high-frequency electromagnetic radiation to the upper atmosphere, the ionosphere at an altitude of 170 kilometers was literally lit up, creating a stable plasma cloud there that lasted for about an hour.
All of this suggests that the current US administration is willing to go to any length to reign supreme and maintain world dominance. And the international community should take every opportunity to conduct a thorough, objective investigation into these facts, punish the perpetrators, and prevent this from happening again in the future.
Valery Kulikov, political expert, exclusively for the online journal “New Eastern Outlook.”