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Have they Sent Biden to Consult with Eastern Medicine Practitioners?

Vladimir Odintsov, May 17


According to numerous US media reports and opinion polls in the US, Joe Biden is increasingly being described as one of the worst presidents in American history, proving to be “an unparalleled disaster.”

Barely a year and a half after Joe Biden was inaugurated, he has already plunged America into crime and economic crisis, triggered food shortages, unleashed a conflict with a nuclear power and brought down the stock market, according to the US media. With him in the office, the US has seen a historic rise in murder, inflation, drug overdoses and a corresponding fall in life expectancy. And these are just the big, surface-level crimes he has committed.

Fox News broadcast a story on May 8 about the US economic problems and the White House administration’s response to the crisis. As journalists point out, there are problems with supply chains and rising prices in the US, which is justifiably worrying most citizens. However, Biden himself talks about economic successes, and his statements have caused outrage among Americans.

The attorneys general of the two Republican states of Missouri and Louisiana have already filed a joint lawsuit in federal court in the western district of Louisiana against Biden, his press secretary Jen Psaki, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci and several other US administration officials. The Biden administration is accused that US authorities “under the pretext of combating disinformation” are working with Twitter, YouTube and Meta (recognized in Russia as an extremist organization) to seek censorship on the case against Biden’s son, the origin of the coronavirus and voting by post. It is alleged that members of the administration “coerced, threatened, and pressured social media platforms to censor disfavored speakers and viewpoints by using threats of adverse government action” against them. Meanwhile, the current White House administration and the US Department of Homeland Security, which created the so-called “Disinformation Governance Board,” already called even by the US media the “Ministry of Truth,” have already been labelled by Republican Senator Rand Paul as the main purveyors of disinformation ever.

Americans justifiably and quite sharply criticize Biden’s policy towards Ukraine, pumping it full of not only American taxpayers’ money, but also with weapons to continue the genocide of its own people in the east of the country. And this resentment is reinforced by the population’s clear understanding of the true causes of impoverishment and the poor state of the economy, even despite Joe Biden’s own increased attempts to blame the coronavirus pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

It is therefore not surprising that the rating of the current US president continues to show negative growth: according to the latest statistics, 67% of voters — that is more than two-thirds — disapprove of Biden’s decisions on inflation, as on all pressing issues in general. And it is not just the latest developments — the responsibility lies with him, numerous US analysts say. They estimate that the forthcoming congressional midterm elections are likely to result in many defeats for the Democratic Party under such circumstances.

In American society, as Fox News reported on May 10, there is a growing perception that the federal government seems to be crawling with lunatics and bureaucrats, and that most people have no idea what is really going on.

The American president’s public bloopers already make not only him, but the whole of America look bad mentally.

Take for example his “slip” at the speech on May 10: “That strength that we’ve built is inflation.”

Or his “suggestion” during his last speech in Ohio to “bring back the days of segregation”:  “And even back in the old days when we had real segregationists like [James] Eastland and [Strom] Thurmond and all those guys. But at least we’d end up eating lunch together. Things have changed. We gotta bring it back.” Is this a return to the days when black people were not allowed into shops in the US? Although why be surprised when Joe Biden has become such a zealous supporter of the openly neo-Nazi regime in Kiev and is demanding the same attitude towards neo-Nazism and fascism from European politicians? In this regard, such a Freudian slip is already a revelation of the secret thoughts of the current US political leader, which is indicative not only of his mental but also his political health…

Unfortunately, Joe Biden is so old that there is little chance of holding him accountable for any of his actions, American political observers state. But in this case, they admit, his party must respond.

However, instead of isolating its leader, the Democratic Party decided to send him to score “more points” in the Asian region. And this is confirmed by White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s announcement that President Joe Biden will visit Japan and South Korea from May 20-24, and will also meet with the leaders of Australia and India in Tokyo “to further deepen the ties between our governments, economies, and our people.” It is noted that in each country Biden will hold bilateral meetings with local leaders — the newly elected President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida — to “discuss opportunities to deepen vital security relationships, enhance economic ties and expand close cooperation to deliver practical results,” the spokeswoman said.

However, it cannot be ruled out that, as part of the “secret part” of these meetings, where specific steps will be discussed to strengthen the “joint confrontation” (including clearly armed) against China and Russia, there may certainly also be unofficial contacts between Joe Biden and traditional eastern medicine practitioners. In the expectation that maybe they can “improve” the health of the Democratic Party leader and President of the United States, something that neither American medicine nor the American public has yet been able to do…

Vladimir Odintsov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.