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Russia – Nord Stream 2 vs. Poisoning of Alexei Navalny

Peter Koenig, September 07


Wednesday, 2 August – all German TV channels – mainstream media were focused unilaterally on the alleged poisoning of Russian opposition critique, Alexei Navalny. Two weeks after he has been flown from Tomsk in Siberia to Moscow, when he fell ill on the plane and the airliner had to make an emergency landing in Omsk.

Navalny was hospitalized in Omsk, put in an artificial coma and closely observed. His family wanted him immediately to be flown out of Russia to Berlin, Germany, to get western attention and western treatment. So, the story goes. At first the medical staff at Omsk hospital said that Navalny’s health was not stable enough for a transport of this kind. A few days later they gave the green late for a transport. Berlin sent a hospital plane – at German taxpayer’s cost – to fly the “poisoned” patient to Berlin, where during the last 12 days he has been in an artificial coma in Berlin’s University Hospital “Charité”. At least that’s what the government reports.

After 11 days, finally “scientists” – supposedly military toxicologists, have discovered that Navalny was poisoned with military grade nerve gas Novichok.

Military grade! – It reminds vividly of the other bizarre Novichok case – Sergei and Yulia Skripal, father and daughter, who were found in 2018 on a park bench unconscious, about 12 km down the road form the British top-secret military lab Porton Down in Wiltshire, one of the few labs in the world that still produce Novichok. The immediate reaction of Britain and the world then, like today: Putin did it! Sergei Skripal was a Russian double agent, who was released from Russia a decade earlier and lived peacefully in England. Russia claims having stopped producing the chemical weapon after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Isn’t it strange that the Skripals as well as Navalny survived? And that after having been poisoned with what military expert claim to be the deadliest nerve agent ever? Although nobody has seen the Skripals after they were hospitalized 2 years ago, it seems they are still alive. Were they perhaps given US-British shelter under the guise of the so-called US-witness protection program – a full new identity, hiding in plain view?

The immediate question is, why would Mr. Putin poison his adversary? That would be the stupidest thing to do. Everybody know much too well that Mr. Putin is not stupid. Alexei Navalny wasn’t even a serious contender. His popularity was less than 5%. Compare this with Mr. Putin’s close to 80% approval rating by the Russian population. Navalny is known as a rightwing activist and troublemaker. Anybody who suggests such an absurdity is outright crazy.

If there would have been a plot to get rid of Navalny – why would he be poisoned with the deadliest nerve gas there is – and, as he survives, being allowed to be flown out to the west- literally into the belly of the beast? That would be even more crazy.

Who in the world could be stupid enough to believe this absurdity? Yet the mainstream media keep hammering it down without mercy, without even allowing for the slightest doubt – down into the brains of the suspected brainwashed Germans and world populations. But the German population is the least brainwashed of all Europe. In fact, Germans are the most awaken of the globe’s wester populace. It clearly shows when they resist their government’s (and the 193 nations governments’ around the world) covid tyranny with a peaceful Berlin protest of 1 August of 1.3 million people in he streets.

Nevertheless, Madame Merkel’s reaction was so ferocious on September 2 on TV and with the media, as well as talking to leaders from around the world on how to react to this latest Russian atrocity and how to punish and sanction President Putin, that even conservative politicians and some mainstream journalist started wondering – what’s going on?

It’s a debateless accusation of Russia. There are not even alternatives being considered. The simplest and most immediate question one ought to ask in such circumstances is “cui bono” – who benefits? – ut no. The answer to this question would clearly show that President Putin and Russia do not benefit from this alleged poisoning. So, who does?

The evolving situation is so absurd that not a single word coming out of the German Government can be believed. It all sounds like a flagrant lie; like an evil act of smearing Russia without a reason, and that exactly at the time when Europe, led by Germany was about to improve relations with Russia. The gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 is a vivid testimony for closer relations between Germany, and by association Europe – with Russia – or is it?

One of Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s propaganda Minister) famous sayings is when a lie is repeated enough it becomes the truth.

Peculiarly enough, and without any transit-thought, the German rightwing, the CDU-party in particular came immediately forward with recommending, no, demanding – an immediate halt of the Nord Stream 2 project – canceling the contract with Russia. The “biggest punishment” for Putin. “It will hurt Russia deep in their already miserable down-trodden economy”. Those were the angry anti-Russian voices. Another lie. The Russian economy is doing well, very well, as compared to most western economies, despite covid.

None of members of other German parties were interviewed, for example Die Linke (the Left), or the SPD – the Social Democratic party. None. None of the medical doctors or “scientists” who were treating Navalny at Charité and who discovered the deadly poison (but not deadly enough) in Navalny’s body, were interviewed.

Nor was the former Canceller, Gerhard Schröder (1998-2005) interviewed about his opinion. Schroeder, a member of the SPD, is one of the master minds of Nord Stream 2 and is currently the Board of Nord Stream AG and of Rosneft. Would he think that Mr. Putin was stupid enough to kill this unifying project by poisoning a right-wing activist, a non-adversary?

Of course not. Therefore, who benefits? The United States has for years been objecting vividly and voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.” Yes, the US is offering “fracking gas”.There are countries in Europe whose Constitution would not allow buying fracking gas, due to the environmentally damaging fracking process.

Is it possible that this was another one of these brilliant acts of the CIA or another US intelligence (sic) agency? – Or a combination of the German Bundesnachrichtendienst(German Federal Intelligence Service) – or an EU-NATO trick? By now it’s no longer a secret that NATO runs Brussels, or at least calls the shot on issues of US interests concerning the European Union or its member states.

Think about it. Killing (or – so far – poisoning) a Russian opposition leader to kill the German-Russian Nord Stream 2 project? – This is certainly a crime within the realm and “competence” of the US Government in general and its western allies.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. After working for over 30 years with the World Bank, he penned Implosion, an economic thriller, based on his first-hand experience. Exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.