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Who is Britain’s Main Enemy Today?

Vladimir Danilov, August 06


The current political elite of Britain, being in a deep existential crisis, as many media outlets are already writing about, was looking forward to the long-awaited publication of the Russian Report, the release of which was delayed by Boris Johnson for 10 months. And finally, the intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament published it at the end of July, causing great excitement for those who sought and hoped to see a “Moscow hand” as a source of the current distress of the Kingdom.

However, even by London media’s admission, this British “Russiagate” turned out to be vain talk leading to the disappointment of the United Kingdom’s subjects, even compared to the voluminous report by Robert Mueller in the United States. The Russophobic propaganda campaign by the current political elite in Britain, declaring that “Russia is out to subvert the West” was also knocked down.

After reading this 55-page report, Stephen Lendman, American writer and journalist, directly stated that London intended to launch a joint Russophobic campaign of mass deception in close collaboration with Washington, proposing false statements about the Kremlin’s interference. Now, Britain is an appendage of the United States, acting in line with the Imperial policy of Washington, hence becoming an accomplice in bloody war crimes and crimes against humanity, participating in hybrid wars against sovereign independent countries free from Western control, including information wars, and mass deception to manipulate public consciousness.

The publication of the report on the so-called “Russian influence” on British politics caused skepticism even in the German media, which is not particularly loyal to Moscow, in particular, in the report shown by the ARD Tagesschau. And the Junge Welt  wryly observed that, due to the strenuously imposed anti-Russian propaganda in the Kingdom, the Brits unsuccessfully look for Putin under the bed before bedtime every day.

The failure of anti-Russian propaganda conducted by British politicians was also reinforced by the statement made by Nick Dearde, director of Global Justice Now.  In particular, he pointed out that the insinuations addressed by Boris Johnson Government to Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, accused by the British Prime Minister’s associates of being “in cahoots” with Russia because he informed the public about leaked documents on trade negotiations between London and the United States during last year’s election, are nothing more than bogus stories.

Unwilling to admit another Russophobic failure, the British politicians strenuously began to look for a propaganda replacement for the “Russian enemy” and, tipped by overseas support, quickly joined Sinophobia, a new paranoia of the United States.  And now the British media has launched a fierce attack on China, calling for [their government] “to show the same level of commitment that Britain has demonstrated in relation to Moscow’s numerous crimes.” Iain Duncan Smith, the former Leader of the Conservative Party, was one of the mouthpieces of the new propaganda attack of British politicians who offered a vision of the fight against China to The Telegraph readers inspired by Mike Pompeo, UN Secretary of State, full of stark contradictions peculiar to countries hopelessly dependent on the United States and their political leaders.

And now British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has already announced his intention to review a number of laws to counter threats from China.

But, despite the two propaganda campaigns, Russophobic and Sinophobic, being pressed hard by the British political establishment in the national media, there has been an understanding growing in Britain that many ills ruining the Kingdom today are related to US policy. And so, The Guardian spoke about the harmful influence on the United Kingdom, being more successful than Russia or China, exposing the selfishness of the US government, which has been constantly “dumping” the Brits since 1945. According to the publication, especially harmful to British interests were the actions made by the Trump administration and its “Sheriff-enforcer” Mike Pompeo, who broadcasts his specific views in foreign policy — and, it seems, is already preparing to compete for the Presidency in the future: “The US government shows two faces to the world. One is benign, open, and high-minded. The other is darkly dominated by selfish calculation, ultimately reliant on brute force. Pompeo … is the undisguised, snarling face of this latter form of manipulative, intrusive and mendacious American power.” As the publication emphasizes, if we talk about secret and obvious influence, hand-wringing, and behind-the-scenes interference, the US will clearly outsmart Russia. Unlike Moscow, Washington usually gets its way, some way or other.

In these circumstances, Britain has already begun to think about how to avoid influence from Washington. In January, Ben Wallace, Secretary of State for Defence, admitted that his country “very much depends on US Air support, American Intelligence, and surveillance assets.” He did not rule out that Washington may lose its “leading position in the world” in the current conditions and suggested reducing the Kingdom’s dependence on the US in the military sphere.

Politicians in London have also become more sensible about the undesirable influence of the White House in Britain. There is a growing awareness in the Kingdom that Donald Trump and his policies have a very negative impact on Boris Johnson and his allies, so the UK hopes that his opponent Joe Biden will win the upcoming American elections, writes The Sunday Times. However, even though Britain will not openly express its position, London’s silence is quite eloquent…

Vladimir Danilov, political observer, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.