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Corona Should Have Boosted Bernie’s Chances

Deena Stryker, March 06


The US is only beginning to pay for President Trump’s second grade knowledge of science, as the stock market, which he purports to understand better than anybody, comes tumbling down as a result of the Corona Virus. Between the POTUS who doesn’t believe in climate change, and his VP, who believes we’re in the hands of God and due for punishment if we’re gay, the extent to which ‘the lone superpower’ is failing its basic duties to its people, is staggering.

With Trump ‘opining’ that it’s ok for people to go to work if they appear to be affected, the administration’s almost unbelievable organizational bungling comes as Know-Nothing pundits wonder whether any of China’s governing bodies are ‘elected by the people’ as they criticize China’s handling of the epidemic. Never mind that without Xi’s authoritarianism, which allowed him to organize mass testing and conjure up face masks for 1.3 billion people, many more Chinese would have died from the corona virus, which would have overwhelmed the entire world by now. While trying to justify a billionaire’s ability to purchase the 2020 election, they fail to consider whether Corona will convince American voters that it is the duty of government to provide free health care, boosting Bernie’s votes better than any political ads.

President Trump is so fearful of shaking hands that an aide immediately comes forward with a hand sanitizer, yet he has directed his health administrators to send employees into contact with victims without training or protective gear, according to Rachel Maddow. And in his determination to save the stock market, he recently suggested that the illness could be so mild that people could continue to report for work!

Should America’s lack of government control over health care as well as the free market’s lack of incentives to respond to life or death threats result in anything like an uncontrollable spread of the disease, the incentive for Republican leaders to maneuver Trump out of the 2020 race will only grow, while the remarkable number of cases in Iran should bolster suspicions that the Coronavirus was helped along in a germ warfare laboratory by those same leaders.

While its presence in a United States heretofore protected by two oceans is another warning that ‘what goes around comes around, its spread across the entire globe, while thankfully not as devastating as the Middle Ages’ Black Death’, should cause it to be added to nuclear war and climate change as proof of the need for some form of world government.

Deena Stryker is a US-born international expert, author and journalist that lived in Eastern and Western Europe and has been writing about the big picture for 50 years. Over the years she penned a number of books, including Russia’s Americans. Her essays can also be found at Otherjones. Especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.