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Deadly Misconceptions that Drive Chaos

Gordon Duff, March 12


Events are already in motion, Britain and France are likely to join the US in a war on Iran with a timetable somewhere around early May or late April 2018 in the works. Only the casus belli is yet to be determined but if events follow those of the last two decades, there is a list of false flag events sitting on John Bolton’s desk.

What’s driving this? The answer is simple, a cascade being set into play by the Mueller report and subsequent investigations that will push a lifetime of friends and associates of Donald Trump into the “perjury meatgrinder,” forcing them to lie under oath and then turn on President Trump to mitigate their own prison sentences.

None of this would be possible had simple rules of fact and fiction been held to and Trump himself is, quite perhaps, more guilty than anyone in his use of “alternative facts” to back misguided beliefs. We have thus chosen to look at this process and how it has gotten us here.

Perceptions of leaders and nations, even how political “leaders” think and process what they are fed, and what they are fed is seldom more than fakery and deception, generally originates from a single source.

The mechanisms of the “big lie” are more and more apparent daily, Facebook and Google, joined at the hip with fake corporations and, behind them, intelligence agencies, and behind this, global cabals that buy and sell governments. This is what the world is seeing now, why so many feel overwhelmed and powerless.

In America, Trump turns to broadcaster Sean Hannity, a former house painter with a handful of college credits in art history, who caught Trump’s attention through fabricating conspiracy theories all curiously smearing enemies of the Israel lobby. As is so often the case, education and experience, honor and services are pushed aside, “who needs a PhD when a GED and ‘moral flexibility’ works just fine.”

This explains why reports to America’s congress, findings of fake inquiries at the UN or in Britain and the US, always coincide with movies and television, in a world where expertise had long ago been replaced by “belief,” real or feigned.

Controlling all, and all in power know this well but never speak of it, not in America, France, Britain or even Russia, is Israel. We aren’t talking about the people of Israel or the rightwing leaders described as Zionists but rather the oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson and dozens of others, the Rothschild family, the bankers, men of extreme power.

Those who begin the journey that leads to understanding the nature of this power find themselves heading down odd paths, some question history, denying the holocaust, others embrace Naziism, while others more rooted in reality seek justice for the Palestinian people or an end to foreign influence over their own governments.

Fake Investigations and False Flag Intimidation

One key is to manage investigations. If you run the investigation, you can rig an election, poison a former spy, dismember a journalist or even gas or pretend to gas, thousands of people.

There is another game as well, one less well known, that we will touch on for a moment only. You also want to control the “first responders.” When a troublesome law enforcement official or media type fails to die in a staged car wreck, he is finished off by “first responders.” The White Helmets are the best known first responders of all, they kidnap children to fake attack videos or even murder the children whose bodies they are seen crying over.

I would say I learned this “online,” but I have interviewed eyewitnesses. Russia even took eyewitnesses to The Hague to testify but as Russia doesn’t control the investigation, there were no findings and, thus, more fake gas attacks are planned. Who does this? Look to “the usual suspects.”

For Russiagate, where I have been repeatedly questioned by Mueller investigators, the same inexorable truth keeps coming to light, behind each “Russian” act, is an Israeli company like Black Cube or Cambridge Analytica, run by individuals financed by the Israel lobby, thus, “Israel controlled.”

Go back to 9/11. The official investigation, at best a cheap coverup, was empaneled after the first investigation, run by the US Department of Energy, along with the FBI and CIA, found American political leaders, working directly with organized crime figures and Israeli politicians culpable. The report, leaked to CNN in 2014 was quashed. Those involved at the highest levels, CIA agent Roland Carnaby, murdered, John O’Neill from the FBI, murdered, John Wheeler III, murdered, Colonel Mike Dick, targeted and smeared, with others gagged by a grand jury.

Look at the 2003 invasion of Iraq, no inquiry in the US at all with congress controlled by Sheldon Adelson, who “bought” America’s government after a Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC in 2005 legalized unlimited bribery of American officials even by foreign owned corporations.

This ended all American independence.

In Britain it was the Chilcott Inquiry, years of investigation without findings. Two million Iraqi’s killed, all based on lies, $400 billion in stolen oil, $8 trillion in stolen defense funds from the US, the world economy collapsed in 2007-8, through careful “engineering,” all of this and no one to pay the price for massive crimes. Let’s not forget the mysterious death of Dr. David Kelly, the key witness who would have brought Tony Blair down.

It continued and continues to this day. No sensible person doubts the Skripal events, staged by MI6 and the Mossad, with Russia named during the first allegations and actual proof non-existent. This has become the “gold standard” in fakery.

Dealing with Dissent

When murder doesn’t work, softer methods prevail, like breaking up the Labor party in Britain in order to end the political aspirations of a popular leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

In America, state after state now requires a loyalty oath to Israel, a violation of American citizenship requirements, yet a requirement for employment or even attendance at public school. Will a loyalty oath to Israel be required for Americans to receive pensions or medical care? Funny as it sounds, it is being discussed.

In France, Macron is asking that any discussions of Palestinian rights be criminalized. A similar law was passed by the United States Senate in January 2016 but has not yet passed into law.

What is key here, and needs to be taken into account with increasing moves toward war against Iran and Russia by the Western Powers, is that all of this is orchestrated specifically through Israeli influence on government officials, contributions, threats, blackmail or, as Russiagate is playing out to those who read between the lines, active involvement in rigging all elections in every nation using a cornucopia of schemes and methodologies.

In the end, we have governments whose political leaders are forced to navigate a literal minefield of pressures and influences, from enemies without and within, increasingly subject to military attack but also overt economic war as well, where the real participants are seldom seen.

We then return to the obvious, Syria doesn’t gas their own people, Russia isn’t going to invade anyone, Iran has no nuclear weapons program and Venezuela is only being threatened because of their oil.

Yet, we have governments threatening war over these fake issues, wars that can kill millions, lead to Armageddon, and that is discussed continually nowadays, conflicts that serve no national interest whatsoever yet are ingrained in the foreign policy of nation after nation.

This leads to one inexorable assumption and a broad confirmation of a simply hypothesis, that political systems around the world are now and have been, even for centuries or longer, under attack by super-governmental organizations whose goals and actions define them as criminal in nature.

It isn’t a huge step to reassess long mis-defined struggles attributed to politics and religion with only “underlying” economic attributes as the sinister machinations of what is now called the Deep State.


The term is “Perception Management.” Governments hire specialist companies to manage media and communications, sometimes to protect themselves from opponents, too often to “disinform” their own people but, either way, what is seen and believed, even at the highest levels of government is often utterly untrue.

Russiagate, in the United States, has been talked to death, supposedly oversold, over-reported, overanalyzed, but is that true? What we know is that the majority of Americans believe Donald Trump is a Russian agent. The problem with this isn’t a problem for Russia, not the public opinion aspect anyway.

It’s that Americans believe Trump is a Russian spy and simply don’t care. Americans are so used to being kicked around, and they never really understand who is doing it mind you, that Russia isn’t a huge “menace” of some kind, just another word, or rather a “symbol.”

Manufactured Public Opinion

Nobody in America, and this is a highly generalized statement of course, thinks Russia is really bad. All Americans know what they see on television. Nobody really believes Russia is going to invade Europe and Americans generally don’t like Europe anyway. In general, and I plead guilty to gross generalizations again, Americans find Europeans irritating, a land of pay toilets, high priced gasoline, bad hotel rooms, pickpockets and unreadable road signs.

The exceptions, Americans love Ireland and Italian food but any American who has eaten an Italian pizza reels in disgust, practically a cracker with catsup.

Russia, on the other hand, is distant and mysterious, a land of vodka swilling maniacs who are more than a bit like Americans. The real issue is, of course, Vladimir Putin.

Let’s be clear, Americans know nothing about Russian life, the standard of living, the cost of food or the impact of Putin’s policies on life in Russia. What they do see is someone physically fit, a heroic figure, someone who is feared and respected, someone whose every statement is well considered, often self-effacing, someone who, by American standards seems to never lie.

In fact, getting Putin elected president, and we mean President of the United States, would be easy. Nobody really hates Putin despite the media. In fact, never has the media failed so badly as it has in smearing Putin.

The only way around that is to simply censor everything he says, to simply erase him, erase Russia, its positions, its objections to US policy and replace those objections with endless fictions and smears.

Thus, while Trump’s real actions, war on Syria, increased sanctions on Russia, possible nuclear missiles in Belarus and Ukraine, an invasion of Venezuela are obviously intended to destroy and isolate Russia, and of course in no way serve American interests of any kind as well, far from it, Trump is still seen by many as Russia’s best friend.

Who could sell a lie like that? Who has that power?

Similarly, inside Russia, Trump is presented as a political outsider assailed by the “Deep State.” However, a look at his domestic policies, which are rapidly not only impoverishing the working classes but pushing the United States into financial ruin, are of little interest.

While the Russiagate investigation gains the press around the world, dozens of Trump officials resign in disgrace or enter prison. Every appointment, and we mean each and every appointment he has made has placed an individual with deep conflicts of interest or a long history of personal dishonesty in positions of power and influence.

Above all, as Robert David Steele points out, “King Jared,” Trump’s own son-in-law, controls foreign policy, an Israeli “mole” with no qualifications other than his inherited wealth as son of organized crime figure and convicted felon, Charles Kushner. Jared is now scrambling to raise $1.5 billion to avoid bankruptcy, money he is said to have sought from nations he negotiates with on behalf of Trump. His property at 666 Fifth Avenue alone is “upside down” $1.2 billion with its mortgage in default as of February 2019 according to Vanity Fair.

Chaos Theory Rules All

As we note, every action has a reaction, supposedly roughly Newtonian is concept, but the new sciences of perception management and chaos theory which make “all things possible,” in reality make nothing genuinely predictable. Yes, elections can be rigged but human frailty and those nasty streaks of decency that show up from time to time, can’t be factored into the equations being sold to any and every interested party.

Whatever happens, war always seems to be the result, all human weakness tends toward violence and self-destruction and has since the dawn of time. Pushing war as a product is easier than giving away clean fresh water to someone dying of thirst.

All that has changed is that we have new ways of getting there, or at least we have convinced ourselves of our sophistication and cleverness. This may well be the biggest deception of all.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of  Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”