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Petty and Dangerous

Deena Stryker, March 19

We’ve seen government by tweet, and even firing by tweet (former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, no less), and now we’re seeing a high-level justice (sic) department figure being fired a few days before his legal retirement, the aim being to deprive him of his pension!

We can only hope that this petty act would fail to stand in a court of law, however, many dangerous things have happened since Donald Trump became president, for example the fact that US policy toward Qatar was affected by how that country treated the president’s son-in-law’s request for a business loan.

More ominously for Americans, President Trump is ‘packing the courts’ with judges who will back the ultra-right policies of former White House aide Steve Bannon (who was just a featured speaker at a major event of France’s National Front party, telling its members to shrug off accusations of racism). Trump’s reluctance to follow through on a decision to raise the minimum age for purchasing a fire arm from 18 to 21 may not be due to the National Rifle Association’s financial power, as observers assume, but to the need to keep his base armed and ready to ‘take back’ the country from students who have suddenly awakened to the failures of the current system after seventeen people were gunned down in an up-scale Florida high school.

The anti-gun March on Washington planned for March 25th — a week from Sunday — was preceded by a nation-wide seventeen minute school walk-out this week that defied threats of academic retaliation. There is a widespread sense among astute observers that we could be seeing a resuscitation of the sixties protest movement whose participants were unable to turn the tide after McCarthy’s fifties rampage.

What may be still be disastrously missing, however, is sufficient awareness of the deep state’s determination to take on Russia and China.  When it comes to the only countries that could challenge the United States as ‘leader of the (sic) free world’, adult ‘progressives’ appear to be looking nervously over their shoulder at McCarthy’s ghost.

Deena Stryker is an international expert, author and journalist that has been at the forefront of international politics for over thirty years, exlusively for the online journal “New Eastern Outlook”.