22.10.2016 Author: Grete Mautner

How Come the Biden Family is Above US Laws?

23123343242341Each notion proclaimed by the White House as the top priority of the Obama administration’s policies is in fact just a slogan. Quite often such slogans are used by the ruling elites to divert the attention of the public from their behind-the-scenes crimes, under the guise of the ongoing struggle for the greater good.

Just look at the slogan of the “War on Terror” that was adopted by both the Bush and Obama administrations. As a matter of fact, it turned out to be an extremely convenient cover up for money laundering schemes, carried out hand-in-hand with military contractors. As a result, billions of dollars were allegedly spent in this so-called fight for the great good, while terrorist groups across the globe continue to prosper. In fact, Washington unleashed wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and other countries with the sole purpose of signing new military contracts, getting new weapon supplied, while limiting the civil rights of US citizens that were originally granted to them by the founding fathers of the country. As for the states that were invaded, where Washington promised to “strike a decisive blow to terrorist networks”, they’ve been plunged into misery and chaos, which doesn’t not simply increase anti-American sentiments in those states, but breeds new supporters of various extremist organizations.

As for the number of extremist organizations that Washington promised to put an end to, they are being actively used in covert operations, as it’s been noted by numerous media reports. It’s been pointed out that even Hillary Clinton came as far as admitting to Goldman Sachs that Washington has been supplying weapons to the states that are funding jihadists.

We’re witnessing a pretty similar situation with the war against corruption that has been declared by Washington. It’s trut that it has been fining American banks because of the fact they employed relatives of high-profile Chinese officials in exchange for certain commercial and economic privileges. But why, then, the representatives of the Obama administration are not being punished for similar sins? Are they just allowed to get engaged in all forms of corruption?

At this stage pretty much everyone knows about the “special role” that the US Vice President John Biden played in the “taming of Ukraine” due to his numerous trips to this state, that allowed him to establish “personal control” over Kiev’s economy and finances. In fact, he used the position he occupies to get his son Robert Hunter Biden employed by the Ukranian oil and gas companies. This blatant violations of all legal norms has been reported by The New York Times:

When Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. traveled to Kiev, Ukraine, on Sunday for a series of meetings with the country’s leaders, one of the issues on his agenda was to encourage a more aggressive fight against Ukraine’s rampant corruption and stronger efforts to rein in the power of its oligarchs.

But the credibility of the vice president’s anticorruption message may have been undermined by the association of his son, Hunter Biden, with one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies, Burisma Holdings, and with its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, who was Ukraine’s ecology minister under former President Viktor F. Yanukovych before he was forced into exile

For many readers it would be curious to learn that back in 2014, Hunter Biden was dismissed from the US NAVY for numerous offences, including frequent cocaine use. Even before his father became vice-president, Hunter was at the head of a number of hedge fund companies run by Paradigm. In 2007 he signed a deal with his uncle – that resulted in a number of lawsuits involving the Bidens and a number of their former business partners.

It is noteworthy that all through the last summer, Joe Biden has been actively preparing for a visit to Latvia, where he is planning “to discuss economic relations between Latvia and the United States, the situation in Ukraine and Syria, as well as the progress of implementation of the decisions adopted at the NATO summit in Warsaw “. However, it was immediately clear that it was unlikely that Biden would be occupied with discussing NATO matters with Riga. Instead, Hunter’s father is going to pull out the same trick that he used in Ukraine, promising military and financial aid from Washington to Latvia in exchange for the position of Deputy Director in Latvijas Gāze for his son. After all, next year will see the privatization of this gas company – and Hunter will be able to make his family much richer on his new job. It’s believed that during the privatization of the company, the  Inčukalns gas storage facility would be sold to the US companies for 5 billion euros instead of 10 billion, while the last sum is much closer to its actual worth, due to the Biden family machinations.

What is striking – a lot of people in the political establishment of both Latvia and the United States are fully aware of this scheme, but they try to remain silent, although according to both the European and American laws on corruption, no civil servant can use his position for seeking personal gains.

In general, it should be emphasized that corruption has deep historical roots in the United States, since local businessmen have always been trying to use corrupted politicians to receive a maximum profit from tricking the state.

Yet, it’s hard to comprehend why the known corrupt representatives of the American political establishment remain unpunished to this date? If Washington is not afraid of slapping JPMorgan Chase with a costly fine, how come it fails to bring the Biden family to justice?

Grete Mautner is an indepenent researcher and journalist from Germany, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.