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“Mysterious Hackers” Blame Game is in Full Swing in the US

Martin Berger, September 08


In recent weeks the US media has been ecstatic over yet another scandal allegedly associated with Russia. The mainstream media has done everything it could to convince its readers that the latest hacker attack, which compromised the e-mails of the Democratic National Committee and showed there was election fraud in favor of Hillary Clinton, was supposedly launched from Russia.

For sure, no evidence that would somehow link this event to Russia was presented, and it’s highly unlikely that we will see any in the future. The Western propaganda machine is desperate to link this recent attack to two other attacks that were also blamed on Russia, when voter registration systems in two US states were compromised. We are being told that through such actions, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is allegedly trying to manipulate the presidential elections in the United States in order to give an edge to Donald Trump.

However, as it has been pointed out by American blogger Eric Schuler, who mainly covers foreign policy and economic topics, these stories are completely absurd and can only be promoted as “hot news” by delusional people.

Fruitless attempts to hunt down the mysterious Russian hackers that allegedly hacked into the networks of the Democratic National Committee have been made by the New York Times. However, this media source is shamelessly admitting that that all suspicions about so-called Russian “machinations” saw a new twist when the FBI issued a warning about possible cyber attacks by Russia’s hackers on polling stations in Arizona. The FBI, in turn, is acting in the best interest of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid from Nevada, who urged it to launch an all out investigation, saying that the threat of Russian hackers is much more serious that it is actually believed, since they may allegedly falsify the official election results.

Commenting on the expected rigging of the next US presidential elections, The Huffington Post would note:

We have not even mentioned irregularities with electronic voting machines – which have been widely documented since 2000, and played a major role in Hillary’s victory in Massachusetts. But yeah, keep a close eye on electronic voting in November. Shenanigans will abound. And not because of “Russian hackers”.

At the same time, the number of Americans who are suspicious of electoral fraud in the United States has recently doubled and these suspicions are in no way connected to the mysterious Russian hackers mentioned in the Western media, but rather are triggered by the fact that corrupt US officials themselves remain in charge of the electoral system. These facts are confirmed by the results of a new study carried out by The Pew Research Center.

As for the “leak” of yet another torrent of Hillary’s emails the White House is desperate to blame on Russia, the New York Post is noting that this event could very well be organized by the NSA. This, in particular, may be explained by the fact that the NSA was eager for revenge against Clinton since the first days of her term as Secretary of State.

In this regard, it should be noted that the former head of the French Directorate-General for External Security, Bernard Barbier, told Le Monde that the cyber attacks on the Elysee Palace back in 2012 that were originally blamed on Russia were in fact carried out by the US intelligence community.

Therefore, one could only hope that Washington’s politicians stop sharing their nightmares about the “not so red anymore Russian invasion” on the pages of the state-controlled media sources and finally put an end to a string of false accusations against Moscow. If Western media sources are incapable of providing accurate information they would be better off with agreeing on one conspiracy theory before publishing anything, that way they would save readers from being bitterly disappointment when they learn that the Western corporate media, just like the politicians that control it, is as delusional as it is misleading.

Martin Berger is a freelance journalist and geopolitical analyst, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”