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EU-US Trade Deal – Organized Crime on a Grand Scale

Jim Dean, September 08

345345345224When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer “present” or “not guilty”… Teddy Roosevelt

Funeral arrangements are already being made for the almost dead Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, which have reached the stage where public exposure is increasing demands that the economic Frankenstein be put out of its misery, before it is transferred onto the rest of us.

When reading the US negotiator reports as compared the EU ones you could hardly think the two parties were talking about the same negotiation. It is like they are living in two alternate universes, which apparently they are…the Trade Deal Twilight Zone.

That confirmation came over the past week with revelations from some of the EU participants that virtually no progress has been made on any of the key issues with the year-end deadline on the talks fast approaching. The US side says it still sees a path to completion, while French and German representatives say there is really no point in even continuing the talks.

The big Greenpeace leak

This change of attitude is solely due to leaks which blew the behind-the-scenes negotiations wide open. We have Greenpeace to thank for the 248 documents they released on May 2nd of this year.

We are faced a complex story with many layers, all of which I cannot cover in this size of an article, so I will focus on some points that have not been reported suitably, before getting into the specific issues where the two sides are at loggerheads.

VT’s senior retired intelligence sources have been concerned about the “pretend-a-democracy” trends in the so-called free world they have seen since 1990, with the TTIP saga as a classic example. By that, I mean the huge investment that multinational corporations have been making to “stack the deck”, or to install a two headed coin system that is a win-win situation for them in all cases to insure their economic supremacy.

Major trade deals become the focus of attempted grand larceny on a scale the average citizen cannot even imagine, a transfer-of-wealth scheme that is not only transgenerational, but can last forever. The key ingredient to pulling this off is the “trade treaty”, which is carved in stone, and not subject to any democratic voting adjustment in the future.

You can find the proof on their evil intent by noting that the talks were pre-classified as top secret by the EU by putting a 30-year ban on the deliberations being publicly released. That, folks, is what you call one hell of a big threat to independent oversight, and Europeans need to wake up and realize they need a semi-revolution to “Redo the EU” while they still have time to do it.

What is a fair punishment for economic terrorism?

It is not enough to pour concrete on the radioactive decay of the TTIP, we have to punish the key players by politically excommunicating those involved in the process, in what was clearly an attempted economic coup by transnational business entities and their helpers. Those involved in government are fully expecting to be well-compensated under the deferred compensation program, where they get huge paying jobs from the trade war winners in their post-government careers.

Historically, even legislatures are prevented from tinkering with treaties after the fact. Occasionally, there are headline-grabbing threats, like pulling out of NAFTA here in the US, but treaties do not provide a mechanism for doing that. They are meant to be binding. While the EU had a provision in its founding for countries to exit at a later date, a clause that was needed to lure all the countries on board, the secession process was made painful to enact, as Britain is now about to experience.

Making serfs of future generations

Trade treaties are designed to remove the various countries’ highest courts from ruling on interpretation disputes. Specially designed arbitration procedures and panels are created to handle them, which the multinational companies love, since it provides the opportunity for them to place pro-business assets into those slots to protect their long terms goals.

And what are those goals? When you peel off the wrapping paper, you find a continued march toward making the planet a conglomeration of plantations where the real owners do not mind if they are called countries, and have autonomy in areas that are of no concern to the multinationals.

The real owners want to make sure their key economic interests are enshrined with a caste system, where citizens are converted to an upscale class of livestock, where their lifetime income potential to the multinational elitists is all that matters, no matter whether they are producers or consumers. They farm you coming and going, and give the political vultures a cut in the action.

NAFTA and the drug cartels

Whereas the public is usually sold an Alice in Wonderland story about the benefits it will receive from a trade agreement, even the rank-and-file business community can find itself getting the “plantation treatment”. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a perfect example.

It was sold to the public and Chamber of Commerce people as a huge opportunity to gain business by having open access to the populous Mexican markets, and by promising increased export sales and jobs, with the usual rigged projections. Ross Perot made the NAFTA hoax a key part of his presidential campaign when he dismissed all the hyped US benefits with his famous remark that Americans would hear a giant sucking sound as US manufacturing jobs flew south, which is exactly what happened.

But there is a deeper, more sinister backstory to NAFTA which Veterans Today investigations learned from FBI and Mexican investigators who had been digging into the drug cartel money-laundering operations after the crackdown on bank-laundering schemes, which were being closed down by tougher law enforcement.

The drug cartels had been paying their “taxes” to Mexican political campaigns, in return for protection from prosecution, while the police concentrated on their competitors. But that still left the huge problem of “cleaning” the dirty drug money and transforming it into usable reinvestable capital. What was needed was a permanent large-scale solution that would also be legal in appearance.

Carlos Salinas, Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

The answer was a deal made with the Salinas family to support NAFTA for its make-believe public benefits, when its real goal was to allow drug money and political payoffs to go into the huge factory construction along the US-Mexican border, where the manufactured products could be sold into the US market for clean-as-a-whistle dollars that could flow into safe investments like real estate and stock market holdings, or even US government bonds…forever.

An FBI whistleblower told us that Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital Corporation had long been working with the drug cartels, managing their funds. The investigators were after the recovery reward money, with this cartel laundering deal being the Holy Grail. The Romney-Salinas family connection goes back to the days when the Mormons exiled themselves to Mexico after their failed attempt to set up their own country in the US West. Carlos Salinas and Mitt Romney were at Harvard together.

When we tried to publish part two of the story a few days before the 2012 presidential election, which Romney lost, VT suffered a very unusual hack that day. Both Gordon Duff and I had our logins blocked so we could not upload the article, a hack that typically only a national intelligence agency would be capable of doing on short order. We quickly got around the block by having another writer post it under his name. But we got the reaction that we wanted… they revealed themselves via their attempt.

The TTIP is a minefield of similar exploitations. US companies and multinationals want open access to the EU public health services; to have food and safety regulations lowered to US standards; allow GMO products in, and to allow more internet surveillance to “profile” all EU citizens for corporate and US government use.

This would add Europeans to an enlarged “threat profile” database, which the USG has access to on all US citizens. The TTIP’s goals also seek to enshrine any corporation’s authority to sue individual governments for damages over any lost profitability regarding legislative changes that are in the public interest, but against the corporation’s.

This clearly shows the plantation-owner mentality of the business community that wants the government to cooperate in keeping the citizens in their respective serf positions. To them, this is the natural order of things.

John Hillary, author of War on Want, provides us a wonderful quote, “The contempt shown by the TTIP negotiators to the people or Europe is the most potent reminder of the democratic deficit at the heart of the EU institutions.” I will close with my own quote, “Redo the EU — before it gets you!”

Jim W. Dean, managing editor for Veterans Today, producer/host of Heritage TV Atlanta, specially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.